Here is a screenshot from one of the videos showing the body of the dead boxer covered by snow. It laid there for 4-5 days until animal control asked the owner to remove it.
A Yakima County man must vacate his home by Sunday after reporting to Yakima County Animal Control that his landlord’s dog froze to death.
Francisco Rodriguez also reported that his landlord has a German Shepherd that lives outside on a short chain 24/7.
Rodriguez contacted Yakima County Animal Control after he learned his landlord’s 14-year-old boxer froze to death.
Rodriguez posted videos of the dogs on Facebook after he contacted animal control. One of the videos showed the dead boxer covered in snow outside a makeshift dog house.
The other video showed the friendly German Shepherd in the yard on the end of a very short chain. Rodriguez told me she’s outside 24/7 and rarely has any contact with humans.
Rodriguez took down the videos due to pressure from his landlord.
After watching the videos yesterday I contacted Yakima County Animal Control to get clarification their response to Rodriguez’s report about his landlord’s dogs. Here is their response:
“The boxer that passed away had everything provided such as shelter, food and water. The boxer was 14 years old and has appeared to have died from old age. The shepherd is younger, very healthy looking and also has food, water and shelter. Shelter has straw to help keep dog warm. Boxer also had straw in the dog house. Owner will be disposing of body if not already done so. I could not find any evidence that the he neglected dog.”
This makes no sense to me.
According to the Yakima County Municipal Code 8.36.200: “It is unlawful for any person to physically abuse any dog or to fail to furnish adequate care, including without limitation water, food, shelter, sanitation, ventilation, rest and medical attention, or to confine a dog with any dangerous dog. Any person found guilty of a violation of this section shall be fined five hundred dollars for each violation.”
Unfortunately, the code is open to interpretation because its so vague. Technically the dogs had shelter (makeshift dog houses) with straw. But the daily high temperatures for Yakima never rose above freezing since January 1.
And it only rose above 15 degrees once at night to a balmy 24 degrees.
Most nights the temperature was about 10 degrees. On 3 nights it was below zero.
How does someone determine that it’s fine to leave a 14-year-old dog (or any dog for that matter) outside in sub-zero temperatures?
How low does the temperature have to go before someone will say, “you know, it’s abusive to leave a dog outside when it’s this cold”?
10 below? 20 below? 50 below?
As Rodriguez said in his videos, “these aren’t polar bears, they’re dogs.”

Here are the temperatures in Yakima since January 1. How cold does it have to get before someone can be cited for leaving a dog outside 24/7? Image from accuweather.com.
Coincidentally, KIMA reported today that Yakima County Officials Authorities said “pet owners could face a misdemeanor charge for animal neglect if pets are found in distress. Fines range from $250 to $5,000 depending on the severity.”
Since December Yakima County Animal Control has responded to 59 welfare checks since December. Can you guess how many citations officers wrote?
But there is some good news. Yakima County Animal Control Officer Ben Zigan told me today that “I am going to be contacting our legal department to see if we could look at our current laws and make some changes that would define “necessary shelter” and address age and characteristic traits of dogs in extreme hot and cold temperatures. It’s unfortunate that a situation like this must happen for laws to get changed.”
Many animal control officers want clearer laws that give them the authority to take action when necessary.
By reporting his landlord to animal control despite the threat of losing his home, Rodriguez may have paved the way for better animal protection regulations in Yakima County that could save many dogs in the future.
I wish you could have seen the videos before Rodriguez’s landlord forced him to take them down. As he shot the videos he said several times that he would probably get kicked out of his house if his landlord found out about them, but he expressed great concern and empathy for the dogs.
He was particularly upset that the landlord left the boxer’s body outside for about 5 days. He only moved it after Rodriguez called animal control. And the German Shepard is still on a short chain living outside 24/7. Animal control won’t take it because, of course, it’s not too cold to leave it outside.
I hope someone can convince him to give up the dog before it freezes too, because animal control isn’t going to do anything for it.
Rodriguez was extremely brave for posting the videos and reporting his landlord while knowing he would probably get thrown out of his house.
And that’s what happened.

Rodriguez’s dogs Big Girl and Midnight sleep inside with the rest of their family. Photo from Francisco Rodriguez.
Now he has to find a home for himself, his girlfriend, his 4-year-old daughter, and his two dogs by Sunday while working the night shift for a local company. (FYI, I saw both dogs on one of the videos and they looked healthy and happy.)
Like most people these days, Rodriguez and his family don’t have a big pile of cash they can use to pay a security deposit as well as first and last month’s rent. When I asked, he said it would cost about $2000.
Not surprisingly, he was horrified when I offered to start a campaign to raise the money. He told me he didn’t want people to think he’s trying to make money “out of a messed up situation.” He also said, “I’m very prideful and do not like to accept help unless I truly need it.”
Eventually, he said I could set up a fundraiser for him. He made it clear he didn’t want people to think he was running a scam to take advantage of the situation. He just needs enough to find a new home.
Now we need to stand up for him.
Here is a link to the fundraiser. Please help if you can.
The boxer that passed away had everything provided such as shelter, food and water. The boxer was 14 years old and has appeared to have died from old age. The shepherd is younger, very healthy looking and also has food, water and shelter. Shelter has straw to help keep dog warm. Boxer also had straw in the dog house. Owner will be disposing of body if not already done so. I could not find any evidence that the dog was neglected.”
So do dont u think the tittle to this story should be different than what it is…. because the dog clearly didnt freeze to death….
There is no evidence the boxer died of old age, and 14 year old dogs shouldn’t have to live in subzero weather. No dog should.
Are you crazy??? Would you be able to exist in those temperatures at 98 years old? No. It’s animal cruelty.
Yuri, you are an idiot. Who the hell leaves their pets outside in freezing weather?! I sure the hell hope you dont have pets OR kids! you obviously are a mornon
The title is that a man was kicked out for REPORTING the dog froze to death.
Leaving an aging dog out in the snow in subzero conditions is deplorable. I think that’s the focus, who cares if he actually passed from age or freezing, although I would bet money on the later.
I’m glad that someone had the nerve, no matter the potential consequences, to report the conditions these poor dogs live in. It’s terrible the lack of definition in the law allows it to continue.
Yuri, mind your own business. I saw the videos and I was horrified by what I saw. The boxer was literally on the chain dead and stuffed in the dog house like a piece of garbage. Regardless of the circumstances regarding the death of this poor innocent dog, the owner is absolutely disgusting and should not be allowed to own a dog. The boxer was 14 years old and meaning he was elderly. He was also a short coated dog meaning he had virtually no protection from the cold. No dog or animal for that matter should be left in these low temperatures for extended periods of time without the proper protection meaning somewhere to keep warm not just some makeshift house with straw, they are not farm animals, they are dogs. Being elderly only made the situation worse for the boxer because he got colder faster and being elderly should have never been left outside to fend for himself. Would you leave your elderly parents outside in subzero temperatures for extended periods of time? I didn’t think so and so there are no excuses when it comes to pet care, you can’t take care of them, don’t have any, period. As far as your answer to your question regarding title, no it should not be changed, that dog froze to death and by the way the owner treated the body, I guarantee you that neglect for the health of that poor fur baby in cold temperatures is what killed him.
I agree, thanks Misty.
There is no evidence by the animal control of the cause of death. They didn’t take the dog’s body and do a necropsy. They simply made an assumption. Just the fact that the owner left the dead dog in the yard for days is disgusting. Then there is the matter of the german shepherd being on a short chain. In most normal states there are regulations on the minimum length that a leash or chain can be. This does not sound as though it would meet humane standards. Quite frankly, no dog should be left out in the cold — especially for what appears to be (at best) extended periods, and by this account it is all the time. Additionally, the dog was 14 years old and deserved to be treated better at his advanced age. The very fact that he was 14 could have made him even more susceptible to the cold. Shame on the owner. Shame on animal control. Shame on Yakima for its’ apparently inadequate, antiquated animal welfare, animal cruelty laws. And shame on anyone accepting their blase response and rationalization. Clearly covering their own behinds.
Your an idiot if the shelter was adequate the dog wouldn’t have snow allover it.. Get your brain checked. Lets put you and the owners in that amazing piece of crap they call shelter for a couple of days see how you do. You and the owners are garbage.
More reason you the owner should of kept the 14year old boxer in the house.a boxer has very little fur any way.gurr
How did the dog have water Yuri??? Wasn’t the water frozen?? You are garbage and the owners i hope you guys freeze to death so you know whwt it feels like.
And you know this how!??The dog layed there for !!4 days… Disgusting human beings
Even if the dog hadn’t been so old, it still would have been cruel to leave it out in such cold temperatures. I can’t believe this man wasn’t cited for animal abuse! I think the department that is tasked with giving citations for animal cruelty should be looked into. Not giving a single citation in response to the 59 calls of suspected neglect or abuse reported by concerned citizens sounds very fishy.
What I have never understood is why someone would even have a dog if they just keep it outside 24/7. I would think someone who cares this little about an animal would consider it not worth the hassle of having to take it food and water. And another question: Why are they even ALLOWED by law to keep a pet if they keep it in these conditions?
Good points. WA has very weak animal protection laws. Dogs can be kept on a chain indefinitely as long as the have food, water, and shelter.
The title should have been Man Murders Elderly Boxer Dog By Leaving Dog Outside To Fend For Itself In Bitterly Cold Weather.
Actually an older dog being exposed to cold weather like that would precipitate is collapse and death. A neighbor’s dog as left out too long in less than zero weather and it caused hypothermia, damaging the internal organs resulting in heart failure. They were alerted to the suffering animal and they brought her in, but it was too late. In this case, the County officials were wrong, definitely. Shelter, is not thin boards.
Yuri , you’re an asshole. Your comment is so ignorant & uninformed. I’ve had Boxers my entire life- HE FROZE TO DEATH, PERIOD. I know the Boxer breed intimately – they are EXTREMELY Heat & Cold intolerant & extremely emotionally in-tune with humans & very sensitive themselves.
FYI- Water freezes at 32 degrees, so unless that ultra caring, conscientious & compassionate owner put out a bowl heater, the Boxer had NO WATER. ANY NORMAL HUMAN – one that’s a caring & compassionate person, would NEVER allow another living thing to suffer in this manner – so warming the water is highly doubtful.
– and BTW, Boxers have NO UNDERCOAT- it’s a single, tight, short & THIN coat. It is akin to you wearing a light HOODIE (most have BARE BELLYS & ARMPITS)
Dogs body temps are hotter than ours & therefore, need to keep it at over 100 degrees
Fur means nothing- plus, Being chained, there’s no ability to warn themselves up. Why in the hell would a human being have a companion animal when they’re not a companion?
It has been scientifically proven that dogs are sentient beings with emotions and feelings. They release and receive oxytocin the same way as humans do. They are social animals they need to be with a pack, whether it’s a human pack or otherwise – or they will be depressed- just like a human. The Oregon Supreme Court has recently ruled that dogs are NOT property and that they are sentient beings like a human. Since they’re not property, you don’t treat them like they are.
It’s our fault as humans that A dog cannot survive on his own. They don’t even know how to hunt efficiently – they need a PACK to hunt.
we took the wolf and allowed them to be our companions and evolve living side-by-side with us — now they depend on us for everything- they cannot survive on their own
Yuri, let’s have you volunteer for an experiment- let’s have you sit outside on some straw with your hoodie on & your bare belly — you’ll get a frozen bottle of water & a chain around your neck about 6 feet long. Don’t worry, it’s JUST FOR A WEEK — it WILL be DARK at night & get down in the teens, but you’ll have straw. There will be TWO BLIZZARDS, but again, you’ll have the straw & a tarp — the week’s temperatures will be between 14 and 28, plus a shit load of WIND.
Are you ready ?
Don’t worry, according to you, you’ll be just fine, unless you die of old age.
You will start to become delirious as your organs start to shut down. you will lose all feeling in your hands and feet & shiver so hard your teeth chatter. The cold will HURT. As your veins constrict in your extremities in order to force your blood inward to save your organs as long as possible, you’ll start hallucinating and feel as if you’re hot– your organs will just slowly shut down — you will have no water because your water is frozen.
The authorities come and just say, looks like YURI died of old age and dispose of your body.
YURI, your comment was insensitive & asinine.
God bless you Mr. Rodriguez. You are an angel of the animals.
The AC here is constantly being ask to help with cases just like this one and give the same lip service they gave to you. It’s extremely frustrating working with those who only care about collecting a paycheck and not true animal welfare. The people on the local Yakima Sharing and Caring Lost and Found facebook page do far more good in resolving these problems then then ones in the official positions. It’s just shameful.
I agree, that’s for letting us know. I’m not surprised.
There is no evidence by the animal control of the cause of death. They didn’t take the dog’s body and do a necropsy. They simply made an assumption. Just the fact that the owner left the dead dog in the yard for days is disgusting. Then there is the matter of the german shepherd being on a short chain. In most normal states there are regulations on the minimum length that a leash or chain can be. This does not sound as though it would meet humane standards. Quite frankly, no dog should be left out in the cold — especially for what appears to be (at best) extended periods, and by this account it is all the time. Additionally, the dog was 14 years old and deserved to be treated better at his advanced age. The very fact that he was 14 could have made him even more susceptible to the cold. Shame on the owner. Shame on animal control. Shame on Yakima for its’ apparently inadequate, antiquated animal welfare, animal cruelty laws. And shame on anyone accepting their blase response and rationalization. Clearly covering their own behinds.
I’m quite sure no landlord can kick someone out on the street with no notice. Eviction notices are a MINIMUM 30 days in WA state as written in the R.C.W. Needing to leave within 7 days doesn’t add up.
I didn’t know that. Thank you for the info.
And yes they can illegally of course however would u trust leaving a wife and child alone in a home with someone while you work a night shift. I wouldnt. I live here in yakima and in a 20 yr period I have seen the landlord win Everytime and also have never seen anyone fined or charged with anything except one person when it comes to animals, and the one person who was charged was honestly trying to save the lives of the animals on the streets and she is a special needs woman who honestly doesn’t understand that loving and giving a home and giving said animals her meals is not all they need to live .
These are the laws. There are multiple eviction days, from a 3 day up to 30. Legal eviction is by the court. It sounds like he doesn’t know the landlord tenant laws. http://www.tenantsunion.org/en/rights/section/eviction
Most people don’t unfortunately. I know I didn’t. Thank you for sharing the information.
it was a boxer, short haired old dog, that didn’t stand a chance in those kind of temps between his short coat and his age, you can bet he froze to death, did they do a necropsy?? to determine the cause of death? nope they think people are stupid enough to believe the dog just died in its sleep.. I have dogs, and right now some of them are seniors, my whole life I have owned multiple dogs, I have worked at shelters,vet clinics, boarding kennels,grooming shops, I am old myself but in all my years of owning dogs, I have never just had one lay down and go to sleep and not wake up.. I would of turned that man in also, his tenant did the right thing
Thank you. They did NOT do a necropsy yet so there is no proof the dog died of old age. Even if they determine the dog had no medical problems, that doesn’t prove the dog didn’t freeze to death.
It’s very sad in my opinion those dogs were neglected it’s a shame that the man that reported it has to move I am to low on funds but will share this in hopes others will help
Thank you so much.
I am disgusted with ALL OF this! Inhumanity all the way around. If they’ll abuse animals, they’ll abuse human beings. The man who was man enough to report this probably knew he’d best get out. The sooner the better and wasn’t going to waste precious time fighting and worrying about this Creep of a Land Lord. Interesting title to me. Lord of Hell?
I won a case against my LL, who attempted to evict me, and ended up he had to PAY ME 3x rent so I could move, because he had been cited by city for illegal rental. I would like for Rodriguez to get ahold of me. Please give me LL’s name so I can research if he has any zoning citations etc for rental. This would force LL to pay Rodriguez to be able to vacate, plus he would have time to vacate. How can we get German Shepherd the hell outta there??
There is nothing we can do, it’s up to animal control. Maybe if enough people call them they’ll do something. Thanks for sharing your info.
I read your coments about ll laws . i want to know how to have my landlord investagated he is a real dirtbag and slumlord. The amount of rent he charges the rats cockroaches the wiring in this house ect… We need help against this landlord.
Plus his illeagl evections.
I agree. You can take it to court with the landlord. Let a judge decide. Untill then pay your rent. Never heard of a 7 day vacate. Min is at least 20
How could these animals have fresh drinkable water in below freezing temps. Unless they have heated bowls there is no water.
That alone should be enough of a violation to get action. I’ve seen similar situations in my area. Dogs are left outside 24/7 in all temps on short leash.
I’ve complained and am told nothing can be done. This is just wrong and people don’t seem to care.
If you leave a dog in a hot car it’s a violation. Why not in extreme cold?
Great point.
I am glad for all the support and positivity it truly means the world guys but id like to take a moment and acknowledge that most of this wouldn’t be possible without The Author of this Article He has Helped Majorly By Helping me Establish Solid Grounds for this story And Flooding The Media With this story all in all i want the best for the Shepherd that is still alive. The People Made This Possible Not Me I just asked advice And received a blessing in disguise From what i understand Animal Laws are Being Looked into now for Revision And Possible New Laws to be Instilled Twords All Pet Owners Love Your Animals Like Your Family Because You are are Theyre Life But Most of All You Are Theyre Voice #AngelOfTheAnimals
There is no evidence by the animal control of the cause of death. They didn’t take the dog’s body and do a necropsy. They simply made an assumption. Just the fact that the owner left the dead dog in the yard for days is disgusting. Then there is the matter of the german shepherd being on a short chain. In most normal states there are regulations on the minimum length that a leash or chain can be. This does not sound as though it would meet humane standards. Quite frankly, no dog should be left out in the cold — especially for what appears to be (at best) extended periods, and by this account it is all the time. Additionally, the dog was 14 years old and deserved to be treated better at his advanced age. The very fact that he was 14 could have made him even more susceptible to the cold. Shame on the owner. Shame on animal control. Shame on Yakima for its’ apparently inadequate, antiquated animal welfare, animal cruelty laws. And shame on anyone accepting their blase response and rationalization. Clearly covering their own behinds.
Exactly right, thank you. Older dogs are more susceptible to cold and the temperature never got above freezing for over a week.
This subhuman is a POS not only did the poor dog die but they left his body out there. There needs to be a law against that!! Please someone go take that shepard and run.. I hope this POS gets violations for every little thing wrong with his rental property.
We all need to work to change the laws. Animal control officers are limited by what the laws say. If you see something, report it. But also make every attempt you can to try to convince owners to change their ways. Go to websites that try to teach us how to make changes. “Dogs Deserve Better” is one site I have used to print information and share with owners who I think could do better. Also write them letters. Encourage and offer help. Sometimes these people need someone to step in, and the animals certainly need us to make an effort. Do the best you can to try to change what you see. Keep trying.
Why don’t you post the landlord’s name? He or she should be publicly shamed. Also people might want to avoid doing business with him and renting one of his apartments. I know I would.
People in Yakima know his name and I’m sure they will get the word out.
Good day folks. I’m pleased to see so many passionate people in our community.
I want to warn folks that this story may not be Exactly what it was reported to be. Both the YPD and YHS have investigated due to threats to the people that live in the house. In the first video, what is shown is a blanket. Not an actual dog. Yes, the dog passed, yes the dog was old and should not have been out in weather, however, they found that the dogs apparent, much like the shepherd shows the dog was feed properly. Another thing that isn’t quite true is both dogs are on leads, which give them much more room then the 10 ft chain. The shephard had been rehomed due to all the threats.
Now, the young man was asked to leave … his girlfriend is welcomed to stay. He has no children of his own nor dogs that he mentions, and up until the point he and his girlfriend split, has he mentioned anything about any animal … ever. However, he is now a great animal advocate.
I’d caution those that have donated to the go fund me account. Take time to read the reports, do a little more research before you give this person money. It may be a great story, but it just may not all be true!
Helen H.
What evidence do you have that it was just a blanket? Animal control confirmed it was the dead dog.
No one ever said either dog wasn’t fed property.
The man who took the video was kicked out of his house illegally.
The man does have 2 dogs – they’re in one of the videos he took. I posted pictures of them in the story.
Yes, he is a “great animal advocate.” He spoke up for a dog that had been abused despite knowing he would likely lose his home.
Anyone who threatened the owner is wrong, but he’s wrong for leaving the dog outside in subfreezing temperatures.
Boxers are short-haired dogs as well. They are not good in cold weather. Even a german shepherd would never be left on their own in the snow and cold.
Exactly. Short-haired dogs have virtually no protection from the cold.
Have you contacted Pasado’s Safe Haven? They have a Cruelty Investigations team that helps with these kinds of things in WA state. They could even help pave the wave for Yakima laws to be stricter.