Yesterday, Trisha Porter from Rising Phoenix Mastiff Rescue removed all links on the group’s website and posted the following message: “Rising Phoenix Mastiff Rescue is no longer accepting pets, adopting out pets, or assisting with fosters. Have a wonderful day.”

The worst fake dog rescue in Washington says it has closed its doors. Image from Rising Phoenix Mastiff Rescue.
Yakima County Animal Control Officers visited Porter’s home today and confirmed that no dogs were on the property and all the crates and other equipment the rescue had were gone.
This is fantastic news.
For years, this fake dog rescue has adopted out dogs with severe health and behavior problems to unsuspecting, good-hearted people who just wanted to provide a loving home to dogs that other people didn’t want or couldn’t keep.
Instead, they ended up with extremely sick dogs that required thousands of dollars in medical care. Or they got dogs with undisclosed behavior problems that attacked other pets or people.

Sam had numerous health problems when he was adopted from Rising Mastiff. His adopter said he was more than 30 pounds underweight with “yeast infection of the right ear,” parasites, and roundworm.” Photo from Ripoff Report.
In December of 2016 I posted descriptions from dozens of people regarding the horrific condition of the dogs they adopted from Rising Phoenix.
Here are some of them:
- After a potential adopter petted one dog he said his hands were “black as tar said they smelled like death.” Another said their dog had “the stench of sickness that came off her I will never forget.”
- One man reported that the dog he adopted had broken teeth, infected eyes, ear mites, and infected paws.
- One dog someone adopted had an infection on its neck with an odor so foul “it could make you gag.”
- Porter told one person that the dog he adopted dog was “good with cats” but the adopters said it “tried to tear (their) cat in two” in front of their 6-year-old son.
- Porter told someone the dog she adopted was “good with everyone, including cats, and toddlers”; when she got it home it bit her husband on the hand.
As this information spread over the internet throughout the dog rescue world, Porter found it increasingly difficult to find people or other rescues to pull dogs for her from overcrowded shelters.
I’ve said before Porter didn’t give a damn about saving dogs. She started Rising Phoenix to make easy money. That’s why she spent virtually nothing on veterinary care or behavior training.
Eventually, the number of dogs she could get dwindled to the point where her profitable, cash only business wasn’t so profitable anymore.

Here’s how the former volunteer described this picture to me. “Pic of Nacho the day after the beating and fight. Never taken to the vet. That beating was the breaking point in his personality. Nacho gave up, he didn’t care anymore. He fought like crazy and asked for no affection. He wouldn’t look anyone in the eyes.”
The final nail in Rising Mastiff’s coffin appears to be the public outrage generated by the story I posted last weekend about a former volunteer who witnessed Porter and her husband Joey Prater constantly beat dogs with metal baseball bats.
She also witnessed them order a boy who worked at the rescue to shoot 2 dogs. Porter also told her they killed 11 other dogs they couldn’t adopt out.
Porter has claimed in the past she would shut down the rescue, but she only did so to avoid public scrutiny. After a few weeks she was back in business. This time she could actually mean it since she isn’t making much money anymore. Regardless of whether she really shuts it down, dozens of the people in the area will be watching her closely. If she starts selling dogs again, we’ll know.
In the meantime, dog lovers should celebrate that this despicable rescue is gone.
We should dedicate this milestone to the hundreds of dogs that suffered and/or died at Rising Phoenix Dog Rescue. We should also commit ourselves to prevent Trisha Porter from ever running another fake dog rescue.
Here are the stories I’ve written about this horrible rescue over the past year:
Dozens Say Dogs They Adopted from Rising Phoenix Mastiff Rescue Were Sick, Emaciated, (12/13/2016)
Rising Phoenix Mastiff Rescue Skirts the Rules and Snags Dog from California Shelter, (12/20/2016)
Woman Says She Adopted a Dangerous Dog from Rising Phoenix Mastiff Rescue in Yakima, (2/1/2017)
Rising Phoenix Mastiff Rescue Lies to Another Family About the Dog They Adopted, (3/3/2017)
Rising Phoenix Mastiff Rescue Adopts Out Another Dog with Serious Health Problems, (6/26/2017)
Reactive Dog from Worst Dog “Rescue” in Washington Finds a Permanent Home, (9/11/2017)
Fake Dog Rescue Breaks Another Dog Owner’s Heart, (12/7/2017)
New Evidence Confirms Rising Phoenix Mastiff Rescue Abuses Its Dogs, (12/27/2017)
Adopt-a-Pet Removes Rising Phoenix Mastiff Rescue from Its Website, (12/31/2017)
Eyewitness Says Founder of Fake Dog Rescue Beat/Killed Misbehaving Dogs, (1/7/2018)
Goad to hear they’ve shut down but did Animal Control say what they did with all the dogs they had? Praying they didn’t shoot them or dump in the woods or something horrible as it would have been impossible to get good homes in a couple of days since this last story broke. Has anyone asked A/C if they surrendered any of their dogs to shelters? Here’s a Pound Wishes site which a quick Google search shows 6 dogs available. Where are they and is anyone in WA trying to get them to safety?
This is no way to know how many dogs they had or what happened to them. I’m sure people will be watching for them. I will check out that link. If you see more please let me know.
That is disturbing. None of the pics she has up are from her property. The look like shelter pics. Ugh. None of those dogs we in the pics from the video taken if her pen. Let’s hope they were adopted out.
I would like to know why these people were not charged with animal cruelty????
Good job you guys!
I am crying tears of joy at this news! All rescues need to put her on the DNA list too!
I pray she stays closed forever!!!!!
how has she escaped animal cruelty charges? what about justice for Nacho?
I’ll be writing about this tomorrow.
I know Sherrif Sutton sent Animal Control in but where are the dogs?. Why haven’t they been arrested?
I have asked Sherrif Sutton this in an email. Hecreplied that i can phone him but im in U K. They have broken so many cruelty laws. What’s to stop them doing this somewhere else.???
I plan to write a post today regarding why they can’t be arrested now.
THANK YOU SEATTLE DOG SPOT!!!!! This is wonderful news for animals!!!!! 🙂
Mean while I hear her friend Stacey who sold me and two other handicapped women crippled puppies is now stil claiming she is “Spokane Mastiff Rescue” on face book & selling Mastiffs & Bulldogs. Will it ever end?
Please send me a link to that site Kate.
Regarding Trisha Porter and the dogs, what is happening in Yakima with humane societies, or legitimate rescue groups, or law enforcement, or testimony by witnesses?
Is law enforcement looking at Porter’s “records”; is law enforcement verifying where the remaining dogs were placed? Is law enforcement planning prosecution?
Thanks for all you do!
I’ll be writing a piece tomorrow explaining how WA’s animal cruelty laws prevent animal control and law enforcement from doing more than they did.
So now she can change her name, move to a new location and be in business again within a month or two, somewhere else. She should be in jail.
Do you really believe this? I don’t have any confidence in Yakima County ACO. My sources say that at least one of the two County ACO’s are good friends of Porter.
Mine don’t. I’ve never heard that or seen any evidence to confirm it. I believe the Yakima County Animal Control did what they could about her giving the restraint of the weak laws about dog abuse in WA. I will write more about this later today.
We need to have laws to protect animals. Who do we need to write? I am sure we can get alot of people to send letters or emails to the write representatives to start making some changes. I am very upset that someone gets away with abusing animals. We as humans have a responsibility to protect them.
Do you live in WA?
I can’t thank you enough for all the hard work you’ve done! You did the leg work and pounded sand until people listened.
I have to believe that there’s a party at the rainbow bridge right now.
We sure celebrated!
Thank you but so many others were involved as well.
“No dogs, crates or rescues equipment found” then “This is fantastic news”. If they shut down and didn’t just change locations and start under a different name where are the crates and equipment? What happened to any dogs on property?
I’ve been down the “hide everything we do” road with a rescue in CO and there is NOTHING a sleeze rescue won’t do to stay in “business”.
Of course many bad rescues re-emerge and Rising Phoenix may do the same. We don’t know what happened to then dogs on the property or the equipment. That doesn’t reduce the significance of this rescue shutting down. And there are plenty of people that will continue to watch what happens on the property or if the rescue is moved.
I know Sherrif Sutton sent Animal Control in but where are the dogs?. Why haven’t they been arrested?
I have asked Sherrif Sutton this in an email. Hecreplied that i can phone him but im in U K. They have broken so many cruelty laws. What’s to stop them doing this somewhere else.???
Animal control went to their property dozens of times. The problem is people didn’t report the abuse when it happened, so by the time law enforcement got to her house the evidence was gone. They can’t arrest people without evidence. Like it or not, that is the law.
Please persist until she is arrested and held accountable for the atrocities she’s committed. Absolutely disgusting!!!
I will write later today why she can’t be arrested.
I hate to say this but there is nothing to investigate or prosecute. They have shut down (at least for now), and any evidence of animal cruelty is long gone.
This is terrifying. I surrendered two dogs in 2016. If I would’ve known I would’ve stayed homeless. Is there anyway to find out about the dogs who were adopted?
You can ask her but even if she did respond it would probably be a lie. Some of the dogs she adopted out were healthy and ended up in good homes. Hopefully your dogs did.
I saw and heard dogs on their property today. And I saw some of the dogs running away a couple of weeks ago. I think they let them loose.
I’ve heard she’s let dogs loose before. She does have her own personal dogs so that might be what you heard.
Unfortunately, this person seems to have eliminated the evidence and moved on. It’s all about the money she makes “re-homing” these poor animals. And she’s not the only criminal that gets away with this.
Yes, way too many people get away with this in WA because our animal cruelty laws are so weak.
Oh my gosh I’m so happy to hear this amazing news ! The tears just keep flowing I’m so thankful to everyone that shared their story’s and made the calls and loved these dogs enough to keep pushing forward and a huge thank you to Seattle dog spot you are one of my first Contacts after adopting my gorgeous Otis you told me you would push to close her down and thanks to you and your posts and your tenacity I think you and the bottom of my heart .
Thank you. A lot of people worked on this.
If they have closed their doors, what happened to the dogs they currently have?
We don’t know. They do have some of their own dogs though.
Who do we contact about Washington State laws on animal abuse?? Time to take a stand and be heard. Thank you for all you do to help protect dogs,
I live in Island County
I would start with your local representatives and senators in the Legislature. Thank you!
Thank you for writing these updates on this horrible place. We rescued a mastiff from these people five years ago and could never comfortably have him around other people. He was so badly mistreated there (scabs all over his back where hair never grew back; bouts of constantly throwing up for months) that he would only trust us. He wanted to but could never trust anyone else. We loved our dog immensely and would adopt him all over again. But he was terribly mistreated before we got him. Last month, we had to put him down after his back legs gave out and we’re still grieving his loss. We knew what went on there at this “mastiff rescue” was bad but never knew the full extent. We met this woman. The exchange took place in a dark abandoned parking lot near Toppenish at night. We knew something was off but had just driven four hours to get him, so we took a chance. So glad this place finally shut down and hope it’s permanent.
Thank you for giving him a great life. So glad you didn’t give up on him.
I was totally duped by this ‘rescue’. We got a severely underweight mastiff x dane, a beautiful dog but weighed only 95lbs when we got her and clearly leery of men. We had her for 3 months before she was diagnosed with Giardia (and had a less than one year old child at the time, so that was fun) and Tricia insisted she didn’t have diarrhea when she was a the shelter (liar!!!) and also an untreatable cancer, the diagnosis of which (CAT scans/ultrasound/blood tests etc.) cost us $5,500 CAD. We had to say goodbye to her, there was nothing we could do. We had her for 3 months and that pretty much wiped out all our savings. I also gave Tricia a bunch of quality baby items as she said she was heavily pregnant, she didn’t even say thank you, just took them and walked away. People like this are scum, I really hope karma catches up with them both really, really soon.
We feel so duped, but you get so wrapped up in the thought of an animal in distress that you just want to get it home to do right by it and we played right into their filthy, dirty, scummy, deceitful hands. We’ve certainly learned our lesson the hard way…
I’m so sorry. Thank you for trying to save her.
I adopted a dog from them many years ago. She was in good shape and we paid a reasonable fee for her. She is a loved member of the family and they were responsive when I had a few questions afterwards.
They did say she was chipped (she was not) but aside from that, we had a good experience and got a dog that was in good condition. I did not see other dogs there. Heartbreaking to hear the allegations of abuse though; there is a special place in hell for people who abuse dogs.
I guess I am one of the lucky ones adopted a female English from this couple met them at a closed bar outside of town very happy for the pistol in my pocket and my male guard dog leased to me still have Bella she is healthy as can be but that couple was very sketchy I felt sorry for the dog and my dog gave me a look that said grab her and go glad I did I think they only had her a few days hey if they go back in business let me know I will have them shut down
I’m glad it worked out – you’re one of the lucky ones. Thanks for saving Bella.
You’re one of the lucky ones. I’m glad it worked out. Thanks for saving Bella!
I contacted veterinarians in Spokane along with a lot of dog people they are paying very close attention to the suspect Spokane sight
I would like to know what happen to those dog’s! The dog’s are the ones that is going to suffer under her watch. Very sick lady she is. I tried so hard to get her place shut down after I got my dog from her. In fact he is the mastiff in the picture. My dog is doing good went through hell when I first got him, he was sick three different kind of roundworms & giardia, ACL Surgery yeah he was a mess he was 30 pounds plus under weight. But boy he is doing good now! I just pray to God she does not open another shelter under a different name she sneaky she knows how to play the system just glad she shut down.
Thank you for saving your dog from her.
I guess we’re one of the lucky ones to adopt from rising Phoenix Mastiff rescue.we have a beautiful Mastiff from them ! Have never ever had a problem with him.
Thank you for giving him a home!
I’m so glad she is shut down! She dose have other shelter’s one in CA that she belongs to. Not only that she has other people helping her out with the dogs! She would place them in there homes. That why yakima County had a hard time shutting her down because of the fact she placed dogs in different homes so don’t be surprise if she does not reopen underneath another name she is a sneaky sneaky lady.
I wIsh there were a way to find out the absolute facts. The entire truth. Her word is in SUCH stark difference to the accusations, it makes your head spin.
All we, the public, have to go on is what’s being circulated as fact. These things rarely make the news, especially continued coverage so, again, the absolute facts remain a mystery.
These horror stories spread like wildfire, get embellished and the further they travel, the harder it is to get to the truth or dig through everything and find it.
I’m NOT defending this woman. I’m just commenting on the fact that this story has been sent around the horn implying she is absolutely guilty but there’s no evidence, there aren’t any comments from authorities and then there’s her story! OMG.
This is the very hardest , saddest and scariest thing about the rescue world-these poor animals don’t matter enough in society’s structure for the facts to be made readily available and we’re stuck with that wildfire hearsay.
I’d give anything for these incidents and the proof of facts to be made readily available for people to verify. The news hardly ever gets these stories. And the facts are, animals suffer, or maybe even good rescues fall prey to vindictive haters.
There was an incident in a Spokane boarding facility that a friend shared about a family’s precious golden retriever being left in her own feces and urine while they were away on vacation. According to the post, the family came back and found her with terrible, ghastly raw wounds on her elbows, in places where the bone was exposed! They took their angel to the vet where it was determined they needed to EU her!
I tried to verify the absolute facts. None could be found. None. The local news had nothing on this. Friends in Spokane couldn’t verify it, but did say there might be an investigation but they weren’t sure.
There were graphic, sad photos posted, so the injuries were real. But all there is right now is a post with one party’s claim. A claim that could very well be true! But there’s no way to verify this, no place to turn to know whether or not word needs to be shared about a potentially terrible boarding facility.
I hope by point is clear. It’s just so difficult to know where to turn and why to believe when all you have is what someone said vs what someone else is saying.
I hope Rising Phoenix is shutdown if she’s guilty. Even more so, she should be prosecuted. But if she shutdown because the judging public placed undo pressure on her, it’s possible homeless or neglected dogs lost an ally. This is why I have been asking for first-hand proof. It’s not an insult to ask. I think it’s the responsible thing to ask.
Thanks for your comment. I’m not sure what absolute facts you need. All my posts about Rising Phoenix Mastiff Rescue contained multiple screen shots and/or comments from people who adopted dogs from her. Some even contained screenshots from Trisha herself.
I contacted Trish when I wrote the first article about Rising Phoenix and she never contacted me back. She never contacted me after I wrote posts about her. She was given the opportunity to respond to the articles and chose not to do it.
But many of these dogs were in such horrific condition that nothing she could say would justify how they got in that condition.
The fact that multiple people provided similar explanations of their dogs’ condition and their interactions with Trisha is, in my opinion, is “first hand-proof” regarding the deceptive and cruel actions of Trisha Prater and Rising Phoenix Mastiff Rescue. If you check with animal control they will verify the numbers incidents they’ve had with Trisha. Just because you don’t read about what they did in the newspaper or on TV doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
We adopted a dog in 2014. Found they were finally shut down. Our dog is ok after all this time but was a mess when we got her. We came all the way from Portland to get her. She was supposed to be spayed when we got her. We were told as we were leaving from A PARKING LOT that she was in heat. This dog was a mess. Scared and very nervous. She was so hungry she would gobble food like we were going to take it away from her. If I had read about this place by the BBB I would not have gone up there. I did contact the web sight All Paws and told them then she should be shut down. Our dog is very happy and very much loved. I am glad we took her away from those awful people.
Thank you for saving that dog! I hope she continues to do well.
This was Rising Phoenix?? OMG, your poor baby. On one hand, I’m sorry you went through all that but I’m glad the BBB report wasn’t available cause your sweet angel would never found you and been saved.
That’s the difficult thing about these crappy rescues-they exist and sometimes people would not adopt from them and that means the animals will suffer while these horrific places are allowed to exist.
I hope this makes sense. On one hand, you wish you’d know about their terrible operation and wouldn’t have adopted from them, but if you hadn’t, your sweet girl would’ve been left to suffer at they hands.
Sounds like Rising Phoenix got what they deserved. Too bad so many souls suffered before they were shut down.
If they got what they deserved they would be thrown in jail and treated the same way they treated their dogs. But at least they aren’t doing it anymore.
My family adopted from Rising Phoenix a few years ago. I thought that something was a bit off at the time but I had no idea that it was this bad until now. Here’s the facts from my adoption. Our dog was in good health except for a skin condition, which I asked her about. She said that the dog had a cut and that they had shaved him. In retrospect I know that was a lie because my vet was able to diagnose the condition, which is harmless but causes hair loss. So there was no “shaving” just a cover up to hide the fact that she hadn’t taken the dog to the vet. Upon getting home the supposed shot record that she gave me had a different dog’s name on it. Also at home I noticed that the dog shied away from my hand whenever I went to pet him. She had spun a tale about how the previous owner had hit him and I’ll never know for sure if that was true or not. It quickly became evident that the dog harbored a lot of fear of children and strangers and was not socialized properly when he was a puppy. A couple of years later he actually bit someone. A couple of months after we got him, he was diagnosed with a seizure disorder. We still have him and I love him but he cannot be around houseguests. Now he does well with the people that live at home. His medical needs were not taken care of during his stay with them. His temperament was not disclosed and was probably made worse by the treatment he received while under their care.
I’m sorry you had such a horrible experience but thank you for saving that dog and giving him a home.
It saddens me that River Phoenix turned out so Awful, I did get a dog from her, and she is Beautiful and healthy and the most loving girl ever. I cant imagine my life without her, and so thankfull I was given the chance to give her a loving home where she is spoiled rotten. I was turned down by 3 other rescues because I work full time.
I’m glad it worked out for you. Not every dog she adopted out was sick or had behavior problems, but I think it was more by accident than design.
My cousin purchased a puppy from this woman last week. The day after getting the puppy he died. My cousin is devastated and out $700. Trisha claims to not be affiliated with Rising Phoenix Resue, but I can’t imagine there’s TWO Trisha Porters in Yakima hawking sick dogs. She refuses to refund my cousin and claims it’s my cousin’s fault the dog died. We don’t know what to do. Please help!!!
I’m so sorry. Do you have any emails or documents from her showing the sale was made?
What is the address that she picked up the puppy at? That is what we all need to file a complaint with Yakima Animal Control. They need to know where to go….
Trying to find out. Thanks!
I just googled their names, and they appear to be actively showing dogs.
Here’s one result
I just contacted the Fair, sportsman dog show, etc. Suggested the google Trisha Porter’s name so they can make a more informed decision about letting her near a dog, much less judge.
Thank you!
In memory of Gypsy Rose Lee, red and black velvet brindle mastiff.
I also am a victim of Rising Phoenix. I met them in a parking lot at a closed restaurant called “The Ranch” about 8 years ago. I was horrified as the dog I was looking at was hit with the fist of this enormous lumberjack guy right in between his eyes. This was after they told me he had been put into a “Kill Shelter” in L.A. because his owners could not beat him mean (I was given the shelter piece of paper) I decided right there that no one was going to hit this dog again. I gave them their $400 and took him home. They also had a Neopolitan Mastiff in their minivan who had horrible eye infections in each eye. They brought him in case I wanted him instead of “Cujo” which I named him. Cujo was beautiful and very healthy on the outside. On the inside he was extremely dangerous. He tried to bite a little girl, he broke part of a fence to get a neighbor, he bit me when I touched one of his paws and he broke glass out of a front door trying to get someone who was at the door. I had Cujo for about nine months and in that nine months I gave him everything I could think of. He had toys, got to play in snow, went swimming in a lake. Cujo had lots of walks, would go on trips to Seattle with me and even slept in bed with me. But again, his triggers were unknown and one day for no apparent reason he attacked my Doberman who is very docile and silly (never been an alpha.) This was the worst of three previous attacks. I called a rehab rescue organization who told me that once a dog claims alpha over a human they will always be a threat. Cujo had done this by biting my friend in the back. I knew I had to make a decision right there and then, so I took him to the Emergency Vet in Yakima and had him sent to heaven. I knew in my heart that I could not give Cujo to someone else. The number one reason was to end the turmoil and inner scars that this beautiful boy had lived his entire life. I owed that to him. Today Cujo is still with me but in cremation form. I should have submitted this years ago…it has weighed on my shoulders and heart.
I will always love Cujo and miss him. I just feel blessed that I was able to spoil him and give him 9 months of tremendous love before he departed.
I’m so sorry you went through that, but thank you for giving Cujo a home. Several of the dogs they adopted out had behavior problems due to abuse, both from the rescue and the dogs’ previous owners. I know it was a tough decision but sometimes there is no other option.
Bless your heart – you did your best
Nearly 7 years ago, I had an empty spot in my heart. I desperately wanted a Mastiff but I wanted it to be a rescue. I didn’t care if it was “mixed”. I found Rising Phoenix on line and picked one out. We drove 3 hours to meet her. It didn’t occur to me to research them. My first hint should have been that the lady insisted on meeting in a parking lot of an abandoned store. The 6 month old puppy was stressed and not too interested in me, but I was drawn to her and took her. We were told she was potty trained, good with all animals and children but needed someone to show her “who the boss was”. When we got home, we quickly learned she was not potty trained and she was EXTREMELY dog aggressive (but out of fear). I took her to meet my vet who found she had infected puncture wounds she suspected were bite marks and was very underweight. I emailed the so called rescue asking for advice on the aggression but didn’t hear back until about 3 years later. By this time, I had specialized training for the aggression. It’s much better now, but I still have to keep her away from other dogs to be safe. She loves everyone and everything else but other dogs. She’s a registered therapy dog and everyone loves her as much as she loves them. When the crazy lady finally contacted me 3 years later, she threatened to come and take her away from me. I replied back that Bailey (my Mastiff) probably would resist and her response was that she would shoot her if necessary. For a while, I felt badly that I supported a back yard breeder or whatever she is, but I realized that I still rescued Bailey. As well, she rescued me. Sadly, Bailey has cancer now, but she’s had a long, happy life with me and has been well loved by all who come into contact with her. I despise the people that ran Rising Phoenix and hope that someday they get what they have coming to them. BUT I am so very thankful for my Bailey. She’s always going to hold a special place in my heart.
I’m so sorry. Thank you for rescuing Bailey from a horrible life and giving her the love she deserves.
We just had a “Trisha Porter” and her husband move into Indian Springs, NV – about 30 miles from Vegas….what are the chances?
She used to have her son take the unadoptable dogs into the woods and shoot them. She also fed some of the aggressive dogs xanex before showing them for adoption – what a gal!
In memory of Gypsy Rose Lee…and Trisha, if you’re reading this – you know who I am, and God help you if the Trisha Porter who moved into Indian Springs is you….you may want to pack it up and leave. This is not a threat, it’s an opinion
I got a dog from Trish two years ago and they’re still having trouble trying to figure out what kind of skin problem he has he’s on prednisone and all kinds of stuff she never chipped him like other people said and I believe that she should be sued for the medical bills for this dog I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world because he’s a leonberger but cotton-pickin he came with issues and I know it wasn’t from his owner I couldn’t figure out who had made him so jumpy and protective that he didn’t trust a human being and she said that she taking him out to people that had 18 dogs and that they tried to kill him those were the first people that were going to try to adopt him if he if they never ever should be allowed to ever have any pets there should be enough of us to sign a petition and start we the people lawsuit against her for all the vet bills so that it’s stated in the state of Washington about the conditions the animals were in something surely should be done I still don’t think her closing her doors is sufficient cuz somebody said there’s another lady over in Spokane that she’s in cahoots with if anybody wants to contact me please feel free I’m more than happy to join the lawsuit against this woman or even start to initiate one with enough people behind me
Thank you for saving the dog. I’ll let you know if there’s a lawsuit.
In 2016, I lost my home and my dog due to substance abuse. No one in my family could keep my beautiful Mastiff so I gave them up to the no-kill Palm.Springs Animal Shelter. Last I heard, this company flew her into their care and adopted her out. I pray that she found a beautiful family and wasn’t part of this horrible abuse.
I feel so dumb and naïve for not seeing the red flags when I adopted my Cane Corso from Rising Phoenix- I didn’t know; I had never adopted before.
Xena- She stank like she had rolled in dead animals, her ear had a huge infected gash on it, she was scared of linoleum and had horrible separation anxiety- she would howl if left alone. She had horrible GI issues and would shit and vomit all over my place.
I was told she was great around other dogs- giant lie. I took her to the dog park once and she bowled over other dogs. Thankfully no one got hurt.
So we began our life together with a huge vet bill and lots of anxiety. She would snap at me if I tried to touch her infected ear. I got meds and a muzzle so I could fix it up.
I renamed my girl Tokka and we eventually worked through most of our problems. I still couldn’t bring her around other dogs, or Dremel her nails without a muzzle.
She became a wonderful, lovey companion who loved laying in the sun and helping with yard work; and we spent 7 great years together. I lost her this past June, and she went to the Rainbow Bridge with lots of treats and love.
I wish I would have known the red flags and reported RF years ago. I’m so sorry for the dogs that were condemned to them. I’m glad to read that they are out of business and the good people are watching them to make sure they don’t do it again. How you could be cruel to such a loving soul is something that I will never understand.
I’m so sorry. Thank you for giving her a great life and saving her from that horrible place.