Critical Help for Homeless Dog Owners
A group called Helping Homeless Hounds started a donation drive last month to help homeless dog owners in Seattle.
Danielle Shepherd initiated the donation drive because she works near Pioneer Square and sees “the hardships of homelessness daily” and “how many homeless people have dogs.”

“their dog is their only family, their reason to stay sober if they struggle with addiction, their reason to keep going, their safety.” Image from Pets of the Homeless.
She also noted that “for many their dog is their only family, their reason to stay sober if they struggle with addiction, their reason to keep going, their safety. Their dogs give them hope, make them feel like they are needed, accepted and important. Many will tell you that their dog saved their lives.”
The goal of the donation drive is “to provide care packages for the dogs that provide unconditional love to our homeless community.”
Please Donate Needed Items
Right now Helping Homeless Hounds is collecting the following items:
- food (all size bags and flavors accepted, large bags will be divided into ingredient labeled ziplock bags)
- flea medication
- poop bags
- travel friendly dog bowls
- shampoo
- dog rain gear
- leashes & collars
Helping Homeless Hounds began taking donations in November and will continue to collect them until January 16th. Then all the items will be divided up into care packages and distributed at a promoted location on February 14th.
The only way to donate is through the group’s wish list on Amazon.
To get more information, volunteer to make and hand out care packages, or follow the donation drive’s progress, go to the Helping Homeless Hounds Facebook page.
I know lots of people donated to various charities during the holidays, but if you can afford it please make a small donation to help Seattle’s homeless dog owners.
I didn’t see any dog food on the Amazon Wish List, or collars and leashes. How do we get the food to them?
I’ll check and let you know.
This is the most wonderful thing to do for these animals. My brother was homeless for nearly a year and he gave up on alot of things, but never his dogs. They came first. Some nights there shared body heat, the only thing keeping them from freezing.Fortunately, the one thing he did get help with was food, but you can’t use food cards for animals. A bag of rice goes a long way to fill there hungry tummies. He’s doing much better now, and his dogs are right by his side , in a warm house with plenty of food. Every once in a while he will make them rice just to remind himself just how far they’ve come.
Thanks, I’m glad your brother is doing better.
I carry dry food bags and canned wet food for dogs as well as dog treats. I’m searching for some places that’ll donate blankets and clothing.
I also carry bags for women incl fem pads and for kids incl toiletries and toys.
But this is something year round not just Christmas time. So please know anytime you can donate it’s awesome!! On behalf of all homeless dogs and people thank you
my grandson, age 11 heard about this program on the radio..we encourage him to pick a “cause”…. how can we donate items and or money..he is interested..and I want to foster that
That’s fantastic! Please email me at and I’ll give you the information.