Looking for dog-related events or dog activities in the Seattle area? You’ve come to the right spot!
You won’t find a more comprehensive dog events calendar than this one. From dog adoption events to fundraisers, dog classes to support groups, and anything else we can dig up, you'll find it here, all in one place.
Join us for a day of the most comprehensive pet first aid course available! Our Walks ‘n’ Wags certified instructors offer a day of fun and learning. Classes are intended for pet care professionals, dog and cat owners, rescue workers, first responders, groomers and shelter workers. Course completion offers continuing education credits for PSI, IAABC, IACP and CBCC-KA members. This class has received the Animal Wellness Magazine Stamp of Approval and a Modern Dog Fave Find. We work with live animals in class. Our curriculum includes:
Cost is $149 per person. Discounts apply for pet care professionals, first responders, animal welfare workers (including foster parents) and service dog owners. Contact us for further information and registration. Space is limited and fills quickly!
Want to hold a class at your location? Â Pet First Aid can be taught in any comfortable location. Please contact us for more information.
If you have an event you’d like us to post, a suggestion on how we can make our calendar better, or any other question, please email us at info(at)seattledogspot.com. You can also complete our online event submission form. We look forward to hearing from you!
Seattle DogSpot