Looking for dog-related events or dog activities in the Seattle area? You’ve come to the right spot!
You won’t find a more comprehensive dog events calendar than this one. From dog adoption events to fundraisers, dog classes to support groups, and anything else we can dig up, you'll find it here, all in one place.
Welcome to our off season. Bad weather happens, but i try not to let it stop us. Dangerous conditions, however, will cause me to cancel completely or change what we do. Please check in the morning of the event to see what is happening. Arm yourself for winter weather. Please keep your RSVP up to date – even if you are on the waiting list.
Distance: 6 miles
Elev. Gain : minimal
Path Type: paved
Parking: Gas Works Park parking lot
Permits/Passes: none
Dogs: allowed on leash, poop must be scooped.
Humans: vaccinated against covid or mask must be worn.
Cheshiahud Lake Union Loop
The City and the Seattle Parks Foundation created a multi-use loop around Lake Union. The vision is to invite community use and enjoyment of Lake Union; providing a loop that connects people to open space – connecting us to new and existing lakefront parks, celebrating the lake’s historic working waterfront, and revealing the unique character and quality of the lake itself.
The loop creates safe and attractive access to the lake for all Seattlites – connecting Gasworks and Lake Union Parks, linking more than 35 pocket parks, street ends and waterways that ring the lake, and improving access from adjacent neighborhoods, downtown, and the University of Washington.
By connecting existing parks and improving access to the lake, this loop provides a continuous network of open spaces that are ideal for a range of active and passive recreation, from boating, bicycling and walking, to family picnics and quiet contemplation. This loop celebrates the rich and varied history of Lake Union and its ties to Seattle’s maritime and industrial past, present and future.
At the geographic and historic heart of Seattle, the loop enhances the vitality and livability of neighborhoods surrounding the lake, the City, and the Seattle region. Parts of a lakefront trail already exist—segments of the Burke Gilman Trail, Westlake Avenue and trails within Gasworks and Lake Union Park. But as a whole, Lake Union remains inaccessible and disconnected as a resource, both for the communities that surround it and the general public.
If you have an event you’d like us to post, a suggestion on how we can make our calendar better, or any other question, please email us at info(at)seattledogspot.com. You can also complete our online event submission form. We look forward to hearing from you!
Seattle DogSpot