Q13 Fox reported that a yellow Labrador Retriever named Kona died after eating rat poison that someone possibly threw in her fenced yard two weeks ago. Kona’s companion, another yellow Lab named Blondie, also ate the poison but she appears to have recovered.

2 weeks ago Kona and Blondie ate poison someone apparently put in their fenced yard. Kona didn’t survive but Blondie should be ok. Image from Q13 Fox.
Both dogs belong to Kerrie Gonzales, who lives in Monroe. She said her family doesn’t have any rat poison in the their house.
9 dogs have been intentionally poisoned in Snohomish County since last December.
Gonzalez filed a report with Snohomish County Animal Control.
The agency is investigating the possibility that the dogs were intentionally poisoned.
Earlier this year Snohomish County Animal Control warned dog owners about several dogs that had been poisoned in Willis Tucker Park, but they don’t think the cases are related.
I’m not so sure. In addition to the dogs poisoned at Willis Tucker Park, dog in Arlington and Lake Stevens (both of which are in Snohomish County) ate rat poison-laced meatballs someone put in their yards last December. 2 more dogs died after they after they ate food laced with rat poison in been in Tambark Creek Park in Bothell and at the boat ramp at the Lake Stickney Park in Lynnwood.
11 dogs have eaten rat poison since December in Snohomish County to 11.
How is this not a pattern? If 11 people ate poison instead of 11 dogs I’m sure officials would consider it a pattern.
Rest in peace Kona.
Another probable dog poisoning occurred at Wellington Hills Park, Woodinville WA on 3/10/16. Dog’s name was Quasar, vet involved Dr. Nicole Velotta at Banfield Pet Hospital, Woodinville. The dog was at the vets for treatment within 15 minutes of seeing him eat raw meat etc. All remnants were brought to vet. Incident was reported to police but no action taken. Dog survived.
Thanks for letting us know. I’m glad it’s ok.
A similar thing just happened to my wife kerri dog everything is pointing to airport park
There was someone leaving rat poison in meat at Carkeek park. I think it was last year. In my opinion we probably have a serial killer on the loose.
Yes, it happened last December. I agree there’s a serial dog killer(s) out there.
Wtf is wrong with people. These puppies are our family. If I see anyone throwing poisoned meat at a dog park, you will pray for a bullet!!!
A dog at the Strawberry Fields dog park in Marysville was poisoned as well.
Oh no! When?
Why are people so heartless? Knowing damn well that a dog will eat it and get very ill or die. They have to be found.
I am so tired of law enforcement trying to brush this under the rug!!!
What we obviously need to do is start a FB page to do surveillance at parks to catch them! How long does this have to go on before they’re caught?
Why arent the police DOING ANYTHING??
I agree. It’s extremely frustrating.
They aren’t doing anything anymore when criminals break into houses. This is no surprise. The cops arrest, The courts release with probation at best. I suppose they view it as pointless.
This is a really good idea!
Makes me want to walk my backyard before letting mine out…even in their own home! That is such a violation!
How scary I just couldn’t imagine the deep grief these families must feel knowing a sweet love passed in such a way : ( .
I can’t imagine.
My dog was one of them that died in lake stickney New Year’s Day , I have a hole in my heart ! The other too did not get sick
I’m so sorry. Have you heard if they’re making progress in finding out who did it?
Aug 9, 2016 Arlington, WA. One of our 3 dachshunds died from rat poison this last weekend. We cannot identify the source of the poison. We know all neighbors around where he could have possibly got to. No one is using rat poison. Now I inspect all around my yard every morning before I let the other 2 dogs out. This dog was the soul of our family, someone is responsible for this. I hope karma catches up with him swiftly.
I am so sorry. If you find out any more information please let me know.