I’ve been duped.
Millions of people worldwide sent the stock of tissue makers skyrocketing as they watched a video of a distraught Rottweiler named Brutus laying with his head on his companion Hank, also a Rottweiler.
According to the dogs’ owner, Brett Bennett, Hank died in his sleep. The week before Bennett said he had a “breakdown” in front of the dogs that upset Hank so much he stopped eating. Bennett said Hank never came out of his “grieving,” and eventually died.
More than 2.5 million people worldwide have watched Bennett’s video; it probably transformed most of them (including me) into a blubbering mess of tears.
Not long after I posted the video, a woman in Washington named Anne Fromm sent me messages about Bennett, who is unemployed and has a sketchy past. Several of them included examples of him using his dogs to make pleas for money.
So I did a little digging and quickly found a fundraiser Bennett posted on Indigogo.com to raise $100,000 entitled “Grieving Rottweiler looks to help buy new home, with your help, to rescue more animals in need.”
I also found this fundraiser from early January: “Help Hank and Brutus Raise Money for a New Home” which raised over $6000.
Bennett raised over $6000 in January to help him and his dogs find a home. Then, a week after Hank died, he started another fundraiser to raise an additional $100,000 to buy a home.
A cynical person might say that he used Hank’s death to leverage more money from the millions of people touched by the video.
Here’s another odd thing. According to the form below from VCA Animal Hospital, Bennett took Hank to be cremated on January 22, but the video was uploaded on January 20. What did he do with the body of a 150-pound Rottweiler for 2 days?
In a text message exchange this morning with someone who questioned his fundraising tactics, Bennett virtually admitted he was scamming donors by forcefully declaring it was none of anyone’s business that he’s using the money to pay off “legal matters” and “everyday bills.”
He also added angrily that, ” I can pretend to spend it on whatever these gullable (his spelling, not mine) will believe.”
Hmmm – I think the Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson may want to look into how Bennett is spending the money people donated. It IS his business.
Here’s either another money making scheme or just bizarre behavior. Last summer, Bennett threatened to sell Hank and Brutus for $3500 to drug dealers who were going to use them for dog fighting. Not surprisingly, he said he’s going to use the money to get a new place (sound familiar?).
In this next screenshot he said, “I just sold them. Hope my boys learn how to fight for their lives…Goodbye Hank and Brutus. Daddy is so proud of all the money you made for my lifestyle… Hope you like your new owners.”
Here he says, “They are not my dogs anymore. Sorry, money talks and bs walks, and “they are going to a home where the new owner trains Rottweilers how to fight…you mad?”
I don’t know whether or not Bennett collected $3500 from people who didn’t want him to sell the dogs to these mythical drug dealers, but he obviously never sold them.
Another apparent embellishment in Bennett’s story is that Hank and Brutus are twins from the same litter. But in this video (which he recently took down) he shows them meeting for the first time.
Bennett also doesn’t appreciate it when someone calls him out. Look at the last line of this Facebook post to see what he called a woman who criticized him.
Most responsible dog owners don’t post pictures of their dogs like these.
You probably won’t be surprised to find out that Bennett has a criminal history, including a hit and run incident.
You can see his lengthy record on this link at King County Superior Court website.
King County issued a bench warrant for his arrest on December 14, 2014.
He also has a questionable rescue called Rottweiler Twins Animal Rescue that, you guessed it, collects donations for his “rescue work.” But the site isn’t legal because it isn’t registered in Washington and doesn’t contain all the information required to solicit donations.
The bottom line is:
Many thanks to Anne Fromm for letting me know about this scam artist.
Feel free to file a complaint to his fundraising tactics by filling out this form on the Attorney General’s website.
Marion says
THANK YOU for exposing this obviously unstable con man. This is not going to go away quickly.
Fran Thomas says
What a POS!!! This is enough information for him to be charged for something.
Jamie RVT says
As a veterinary technician I can tell you there is no way for a dog to die just from someone yelling at it. Judging by Brett’s behavior he most likely beat the dog and it died as a result. That would explain the delay on taking the body for cremation. My best guess is the dog died a few days after being beat and the reason Brutus is crying over the body is because it’s been there for days. There’s no doubt about it, this is a highly dangerous man. His YouTube channel is full of Brutus attacking other dogs and him encouraging him to bite and go for the throat. He also claims Brutus is a service dog. Service dogs are not allowed to have any aggression, no matter the situation. Please report this man for fraud, carrying illegal weapons, dog fighting, and for having a fake service dog. This man has already hit someone with a car and left the scene. The violence will only continue. Animals all over Seattle need your help to be protected from this man.
Concerned says
I don’t know if it’s you I’ve ever replied to before, but I always found he had a very disturbing way of talking to Brutus ???? He was nice one minute, letting him pick a toy, taking him to swim in the pool, then he’d be back to humiliating again, and that poor dog’s eyes always looked so tormented. I think he’s tortured that poor dog. Hit, kicked, obviously more mental cruelty, and God knows what. I hope I’m wrong, and I know he can read this, but that’s what I think. Also, on that vid of “Hank had died” he did threaten poor Brutus with a “spanking” his words not mine. Those poor dogs should have been taken from him as he clearly has a split personality. I worry about Brutus ???? because he us a lovely dog and Rottweilers are very special ????????
Kimberly Anderson says
This monster should be in jail by now. The last thing I heard he was arrested after trying to rob a bank.
Seattle DogSpot says
That’s right. He was in jail but I don’t know if he still is or not.
JB says
Honestly I can’t pick a side on this, but if he didn’t give a fuck about the dog why did he pay the extra $20 for a dog paw print. Whoever wrote this is a dumbass. You probably live in your moms basement with your sister.
Kelley H. says
Because that 20$ pawprint can help him scam even more soft hearted ppl out of even more mobey! There is no guess work here. The evidence clearly speaks for itself! He IS A FRAUD!
Kim says
I recently came upon this article and followed all the links on Bennett ‘s criminal history. While It has been several months since this story broke, I can’t help but be affected by it, and equally so by some people commenting on it. It escapes me how any educated individual could see all the evidence and NOT know that this guy is a fraud and, quite possibly, an abuser as well. Might it be going too far to suggest that people like Bennett, and those who buy his bull even after looking at all the evidence to the contrary, are the very same folks who so smartly put trump in the Whitehouse. Same ilk. At any rate, I just hope and pray that the remaining dog is fostered by another family, and eventually finds his way to a forever home he deserves. And for that matter, that we clean up what’s left of our political system and get back to the business of being a world leader again! Lol!!!
Nitty says
How in the world did this become a political post to you!!? This is about a scam artist who is most likely using his dogs for fights and abuses them.
Vanessa says
20$ is nothing to waste to scam more money…..he has got over 100.000. ..u think that 20$ means somthing……u probably live in your sisters basement. ..lmao
Constance says
Lol sounds like you have experience in that department.
20 dollars is nothing. Considering he is investing in it to make him THOUSANDS.
YOU sound like an idiot.
Pay him.
Go on.
You believe him.
Give him YOUR money.
Don’t tell others to.
Kathy Prock says
A dog’s paw print is a good way to suck sympathy from the public on his next fundraiser about his poor dead Hank…
Donila says
He’s so vile first of all he used his dogs to make money which is a little harsh because dogs should actually be loved and have fun not to be used in videos to make cash. And secondly he’s using hanks death as an advantage which is sick because he was a beautiful person amazing dog. I’m not surprised if he smothered his dog or poisoned him cause dogs don’t just die in their sleep unless their Ill or they are hurt.
Donila says
*beautiful amazing dog.
Tianna says
Thank you for taking the time to advocate for this dog …the dog couldn’t pick its owner ,or the life it would live …but people like u make a big difference …respect …I have a lot for people that step up …
Kathy Prock says
So so far Brett has had three dogs died on him in one year
A dog he got before cloud jumped out the window of his car and died and then Cloud suffocated and died and then he got Hank and Hank died by starvation in a week… this guy’s a walking death machine
Christine says
Thank you for letting people know about this scam artist!
Seattle DogSpot says
Christine – please email me at rpregulman@seattledogspot.com when you have a chance.
Laura Smith says
This is ridiculous !!! What really happened to these 2 dogs who died in a period of 6 months apart ??? Animal Investigation need to be done ASAP. How about the other animals ???
Amanda M says
That is exactly the question I asked myself. I think its very possible that there may be foul play involved in Hank’s death. Reportedly Bennett said Hank witnessed him having a “breakdown” and became so stressed that he starved himself to death. What if Bennett starved him to death anticipating that doing so would generate sympathy and of course more money. I wouldn’t put it past him given his history. This is all so sad 🙁
SDogSpot Author says
He said Hank started his breakdown about a week before he died after he yelled at him, so I don’t think he starved, but I certainly don’t think Hank died from a “broken heart” either.
Jamie says
I just looked at his facebook page and he still has them BOTH!
Donna says
I also looked at his page – this post only takes pieces and makes this guy look like something he’s not… People just have nothing better to do I guess!
Nanette Valencia says
Thank you for this, good thing I didn’t donate
Brett Bennett says
Sold the dogs for $35,000? Are you kidding me? Anne Fromm has cyber stalked harassed, dug up my personal information and sabotaged me ever since this video came out. And it started last year and has not ended! Please get your facts straight. The Facebook thread on the phone of me supposedly calling donors gullible and I am spending donations on legal fees, is a lie. It’s fake, why is there no picture…Do you not know you can make fake Facebook threads? A bench warrant? BC I am homeless and do not retrieve mail. Maybe I missed a court date? Never EVER claimed my dogs to be from the same litter and if so, where? When? All videos are up, no comments removed. What I did with my dogs body for 2 days before cremation? What is that relevant to? A lengthy record at King County..But fail to leave out details…What is this lengthy record. A hit and run? Is that a lengthy record? Thank you for helping this cyber stalker sabotage my name all bc I started a fundraiser that I was encouraged to bc I am homeless with rescue dogs. And did I even collect any donations on my Animal Rescue? Is there any proof? No one donated, it was a PayPal account. Not sure why you think you can slander my name without facts. Just assumptions, presumptions, and someones word whom you don’t know, but I know well from harassing my dogs and i since Aug 2014 from pulling a hoax that I was selling my dogs to drug dealers. Again, did I sell them? For $35,000 like you claim? seriously? Do you believe everything you read? BC I don’t especially after being bashed by the media since my video went viral and you all think you know me. Thank you for helping bash me as I grieve for my dog. This is by far the most miserable I have ever been in my entire life…If you want to talk to me personally I am willing to talk. The warrant is being Quashed via Joshua Poisel Public Defender. And if you only knew why I was charged, you might change your mind about me…
Brett Bennett says
Wait a second..You think i collected $35,000? Are you kidding? WOW…Even you said you’re not sure…Maybe check my Bank Statements for proof..My PayPal? Have someone dig in deep and you will see I have no money and have not collected but $200 for a dog I bailed out of an animal Shelter back in April. Everett Animal Shelter, Rottweiler named Heidi. The $6,000 is a blessing and it only happened bc my video just happened to go viral. I had no clue that video would go viral. i have over 200 videos, why did that one go viral? I was contacted by news media to have it go viral and I approved. Did you know..I have not made a dime off that video, bc I do not own the rights and was never paid for the video? I have proof via Google adsense..You can check on Socialblade as well…The new fundraiser is to own a home..To rescue more. If I rent a place with the $6,000 there is a chance I cannot rescue anymore dogs or get complaints of too many animals on the property. The dream is to own a home in the country to rescue as many as possible. To get a down payment at least. There is no crime for holding fundraisers for just cause. Especially when on hardships. Living in a Jeep and in and out of cheap motels currently is no cup of tea. Con Artist? Wow… I just cannot believe this is happening to me…
Brett Bennett says
Oh, last thing..That is NOT my dog fighting. My dogs are barking in the top 2 photos and you can clearly see my dogs are much larger than the Rottweiler in photo below. Be sure to Google search “Pit Bull VS Rottweiler” and check Google images..Scroll down a lil and you will find the dog fight photo I found…Not my dogs but I took the photo and posted to my page…But nice attempt of Anne to try and accuse me yet again of something I never did…I’m sure she will not post my Therapy Dog videos with Autistic children, my dogs meeting puppies, training videos, or all my socialization of my Rescue Rottweilers. I mean, why would she? It’s boring…She wants attention to defame me. Why? Only she knows the answer…But I do find it funny how she comes out of the woodwork with the rest of the haters with cries of SCAMMER only after my video goes viral and people started donating..She sabotaged the fundraiser and slandered my name. My life will never be the same. All at a time I grieve with my dogs for Hank. Thank you for listening to me…
Sam says
Why would you even post a photo like that with a joking caption to begin with? What sort of animal lover does that? And whether you actually sold the dogs or not (obviously not), DID you make the statements shown in the many screen shots shown on this page?
Brian says
you are a scum bag….I see attorney general in your near future..people like you should is the reason why good people can’t get the help they need…all you do is insult people and attack them personally for no apparent reason…you don’t deserve not a penny…such a tough guy and a low life…you ever heard of that saying Karma is a bitch? will Karma is about to punch you straight in the face buddy……
Andrew says
I don’t know many homeless people that have a facebook, or a computer for that matter. And as others have replied, animal shelters are usually strict as to who adopts their animals. If you don’t have a house than getting ANOTHER dog should be out of the question.
SDogSpot Author says
Exactly. And he had 5. “Only” four now.
Rori says
Actually, internet usage is very high in the homeless community. It becomes vital for connecting with services, looking for homes, applying for jobs, and staying connected with others. I worked in youth homelessness and advocacy for a few years, and it’s so incredibly common. We also know that remaining connected increases positive outcomes, too.
Remember that homeless people weren’t born homeless. They become homeless. They don’t suddenly get rid of their facebook profiles when they lose their house. Transitional and short-term homelessness (including couch surfing) are far more common than sleeping rough for years.
There’s a very interesting study on internet usage amongst homeless people that is easily found with an internet search.
Sweeping generalisations don’t help anyone. Target the problems, not your opinions and stereotypes of homeless people.
Christy says
I was homeless and had fb on my cheap ass flip phone. Technology is everywhere and easily accessible. I knew a girl living in her car with 4 dogs who posted updates regularly…
Anne says
You will use anything to get attention to your page, to your fundraisers to make money, wont you. Oh your therapy video was posted and in turn, was once again proved to be you LYING, yet again. Thanks for letting us know about that one. See how stupid you are, you basically give us a map to all of your lies. You are THAT stupid. Every time you have a breakdown, a dog dies. Your past friends and girlfriends all think you are the scum of the earth. Your family does not even like you. Youve been called ugly, creepy, dirty (lack of proper hygiene, which I can totally see by your actions), smelly and you know what, I believe all those adjectives when it comes to describing YOU. You are so pissed that a WOMAN was smart enough and brave enough to come forward and blow you out of the water Brett. Guess what, I am still NOT afraid of you. I do not fear losers, weasels and lowlife scum. Names do not hurt me little little man. If that is all you got, I just laugh AT you. Muzzle your dogs so they lookbad ass, since you do not. Creepy yes, bad ass, not so much.
Staci says
Anne, you should make a YouTube video about this scum bag and put his name, picture, story, proof of scamming, and anything else that will help so he doesn’t scam anymore money out of selfless animal lovers and other people. I hate when innocent, good people get scammed. He needs to be stopped, period. You should alert the news stations about him and show the proof.
Colleen says
narcissistic – having an undue fascination with oneself; vain.
sociopath – a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.
I think it is more than safe to say that brett qualifies as a narcissistic sociopath. But before you really can whole heartedly agree with me read the following, and decide for yourself.
Identifying narcissistic sociopaths
Although not all narcissists are sociopaths, all sociopaths are narcissists (Stout 2010). Therefore, if you can identify a narcissist, you’re one step closer to being able to recognize a sociopath. Below is a definition of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and a list of narcissistic traits taken directly from the website of Dr. Sam Vaknin, author of Malignant Self-Love. (If you know someone who fits at least 5 or more of these traits, a psychiatrist could easily diagnose him/her as having NPD.)
The DSM-IV-TR defines Narcissistic Personality Disorder as “an all-pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration or adulation and lack of empathy, usually beginning by early adulthood and present in various contexts,” such as family life and work.
1. Feels grandiose and self-important (e.g., exaggerates accomplishments, talents, skills, contacts, and personality traits to the point of lying, demands to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements);
2. Is obsessed with fantasies of unlimited success, fame, fearsome power or omnipotence, unequalled brilliance (the cerebral narcissist), bodily beauty or sexual performance (the somatic narcissist), or ideal, everlasting, all-conquering love or passion;
3. Firmly convinced that he or she is unique and, being special, can only be understood by, should only be treated by, or associate with, other special or unique, or high-status people (or institutions);
4. Requires excessive admiration, adulation, attention and affirmation – or, failing that, wishes to be feared and to be notorious (Narcissistic Supply);
5. Feels entitled. Demands automatic and full compliance with his or her unreasonable expectations for special and favorable priority treatment;
6. Is “interpersonally exploitative”, i.e., uses others to achieve his or her own ends;
7. Devoid of empathy. Is unable or unwilling to identify with, acknowledge, or accept the feelings, needs, preferences, priorities, and choices of others;
8. Constantly envious of others and seeks to hurt or destroy the objects of his or her frustration. Suffers from persecutory (paranoid) delusions as he or she believes that they feel the same about him or her and are likely to act similarly;
9. Behaves arrogantly and haughtily. Feels superior, omnipotent, omniscient, invincible, immune, “above the law”, and omnipresent (magical thinking). Rages when frustrated, contradicted, or confronted by people he or she considers inferior to him or her and unworthy.
Once it’s clear you’re dealing with a narcissist, go through the following list to see if the narcissist is also a sociopath. (You’ll discover many overlapping traits from each list.) The list below of 20 sociopathic traits is taken directly from the book Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us by Dr. Robert D. Hare, Ph.D:
1. Glib and superficial charm. The tendency to be smooth, engaging, charming, slick, and verbally facile. Sociopathic charm is not in the least shy, self-conscious, or afraid to say anything. A sociopath never gets tongue-tied. They have freed themselves from the social conventions about taking turns in talking, for example.
2. Grandiose self-worth. A grossly inflated view of one’s abilities and self-worth, self-assured, opinionated, cocky, a braggart. Sociopaths are arrogant people who believe they are superior human beings.
3. Need for stimulation or proneness to boredom. An excessive need for novel, thrilling, and exciting stimulation; taking chances and doing things that are risky. Sociopaths often have low self-discipline in carrying tasks through to completion because they get bored easily. They fail to work at the same job for any length of time, for example, or to finish tasks that they consider dull or routine.
4. Pathological lying. Can be moderate or high; in moderate form, they will be shrewd, crafty, cunning, sly, and clever; in extreme form, they will be deceptive, deceitful, underhanded, unscrupulous, manipulative, and dishonest.
5. Conning and manipulative. The use of deceit and deception to cheat, con, or defraud others for personal gain; distinguished from Item #4 in the degree to which exploitation and callous ruthlessness is present, as reflected in a lack of concern for the feelings and suffering of one’s victims.
6. Lack of remorse or guilt. A lack of feelings or concern for the losses, pain, and suffering of victims; a tendency to be unconcerned, dispassionate, coldhearted, and unempathic. This item is usually demonstrated by a disdain for one’s victims.
7. Shallow affect. Emotional poverty or a limited range or depth of feelings; interpersonal coldness in spite of signs of open gregariousness.
8. Callousness and lack of empathy. A lack of feelings toward people in general; cold, contemptuous, inconsiderate, and tactless.
9. Parasitic lifestyle. An intentional, manipulative, selfish, and exploitative financial dependence on others as reflected in a lack of motivation, low self-discipline, and inability to begin or complete responsibilities.
10. Poor behavioral controls. Expressions of irritability, annoyance, impatience, threats, aggression, and verbal abuse; inadequate control of anger and temper; acting hastily.
11. Promiscuous sexual behavior. A variety of brief, superficial relations, numerous affairs, and an indiscriminate selection of sexual partners; the maintenance of several relationships at the same time; a history of attempts to sexually coerce others into sexual activity or taking great pride at discussing sexual exploits or conquests.
12. Early behavior problems. A variety of behaviors prior to age 13, including lying, theft, cheating, vandalism, bullying, sexual activity, fire-setting, glue-sniffing, alcohol use, and running away from home.
13. Lack of realistic, long-term goals. An inability or persistent failure to develop and execute long-term plans and goals; a nomadic existence, aimless, lacking direction in life.
14. Impulsivity. The occurrence of behaviors that are unpremeditated and lack reflection or planning; inability to resist temptation, frustrations, and urges; a lack of deliberation without considering the consequences; foolhardy, rash, unpredictable, erratic, and reckless.
15. Irresponsibility. Repeated failure to fulfill or honor obligations and commitments; such as not paying bills, defaulting on loans, performing sloppy work, being absent or late to work, failing to honor contractual agreements.
16. Failure to accept responsibility for own actions. A failure to accept responsibility for one’s actions reflected in low conscientiousness, an absence of dutifulness, antagonistic manipulation, denial of responsibility, and an effort to manipulate others through this denial.
17. Many short-term marital relationships. A lack of commitment to a long-term relationship reflected in inconsistent, undependable, and unreliable commitments in life, including marital.
18. Juvenile delinquency. Behavior problems between the ages of 13-18; mostly behaviors that are crimes or clearly involve aspects of antagonism, exploitation, aggression, manipulation, or a callous, ruthless tough-mindedness.
19. Revocation of condition release. A revocation of probation or other conditional release due to technical violations, such as carelessness, low deliberation, or failing to appear.
20. Criminal versatility. A diversity of types of criminal offenses, regardless if the person has been arrested or convicted for them; taking great pride at getting away with crimes. (Hare 2011).
In addition to the above two lists of traits, the biggest trait (or magic trick as I like to call it) that makes narcissistic sociopaths so dangerous and effective is their ability to go unnoticed by the rest of us. They can do this, because they are good at pretending (lying) and wearing many masks (again, lying). Simply put, they lie to themselves and everyone else. They lie so much that some of them are convinced of their own lies, which is where evil is born.
Brett….. if the shoe fits…………. put that bitch on, lace it up and wear it!!!
Carrie says
I thought the exact same thing. Especially, the way he kept going. My ex was like that. This boy n yes I said boy is very very mentally sick and there is absolutely no help for someone like him!
Sam says
*lol* Learn to read. It clearly says $3,500. And no, they don’t think you actually sold them for that much. This whole article is about you SAYING you’re going to do things, are going through things, etc. and scamming people out of money instead. I hope you get arrested for fraud. 🙂
Kelly says
So I just have one question. How in the world were you approved to rescue another Rottie when you claim to be homeless? The animal rescues in my area are very strict on who they will approve to take a rescue animal. Sounds very fishy to me!
Chelsea says
Exactly, how does he have internet, computer, phone, and/or dogs (let along rescue dogs), if he is “homeless”? Makes no sense.
SDogSpot Author says
Good question. He has said he lives in hotels too, but who knows what’s really true.
Jamie says
Has no one actually looked up his facebook have you seen the cars this “homeless” man owns?
Allen says
Homeless people have access to all of the above. My ex is now homeless. He uses the computers at the local library.
Tam says
Kelly, I agree with you 100%…how the heck does a person get approved to adopt a dog if you’re homeless? And why agree to have it posted? Obviously he had an AGENDA…and that was to use 2 innocent dogs to gain money…ppl like him are so disgusting, and Karma’s a bitch and brett is going to deserve everything that comes to him….Brett is really a scum bag, and yes I don’t know him, but, I know about ppl like him…sick b…..d
SDogSpot Author says
I don’t think he was homeless when he adopted the dogs.
Anne says
Aint no one buying what youre selling.
Rick says
This is just stupid and so are dumb shits believing this
Seattle DogSpot says
Thanks for sharing your story and taking care of your dog despite the huge expense. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. Several other people that adopted from K9 NW have told me similar stories.
bonny says
You are so full of shit. Your youtube videos tell EVERYTHING.
Right brettvett1? No respectable owner would treat a dog like that. Piss off.
SDogSpot Author says
Hit and run is not like getting a parking ticket. It’s a serious crime. And if you’re homeless and can’t get mail, you obviously have a computer so it wouldn’t have been hard to look up your court date.
It doesn’t matter whether or not you collected donations for your rescue. You were soliciting money for a rescue that wasn’t registered with the state.
I didn’t say you sold the dogs for $35,000, but you did say you sold them to drug dealers who wanted to train them for dog fighting. Your words, not mine. Why would you do that? Doesn’t that sound sketchy to you?
You said several times the dogs were “twins” and “brothers” so you imply they’re from same litter.
What you did with Hank’s body for 2 days after he died is a relevant question. You posted the video that generated over 2.5 million hits. You solicited $100,000 after it went viral. You’re claiming you’re homeless, so it’s logical to wonder what you did with the body of a 150 pound dog for two days before you had it cremated. And other than you saying Hank died of a broken heart, which in itself is questionable, we don’t know the actual cause of his death, and now that he’s been cremated, we never will.
The fact that you began soliciting $100K after the video went viral invited scrutiny of your past actions, and unfortunately, your actions call into question the legitimacy of your solicitations. If you can offer evidence that legitimately contradicts anything I wrote, please send it to me and I will be happy to post it.
Anne says
He tries to downplay everything he does. If he was to kill someone, he would simply play it off. Hit and run is very serious. He knew damn well when his court date was up, he has constant access to computers and phones. He must have been too busy looking at himself in the mirror or making up stores to gain attention and money, to really care. Swept it under the rug, like he does with anything he gets caught at. Brett MANY of these people WERE your fans, so they have seen all your posts and then some, so just stop pretending you never did this or said that. No one but maybe two people, are buying into it, and those two are simply just stupid or do not understand English AND IF you have nothing to hide, why remove all the comments on your pages from the people calling you out? Why remove the note? Guilty hide, innocent do not. Just remember that next time you crawl out of your little hiding place like a cockroach.
Kirsty says
you are a disgusting piece of crap, leave the poor guy alone.
Seriously all of what you have said has been false and not proven, get your facts straight. Go do something better with your life, bitch.
Jim says
You must be his mom or sister..the proof is right in front of you..why can’t you accept the fact that brett the scumbag is a nothing but a fraud? why do u refuse to see what the truth is? its in front of you..open your mind and do some research..this man hit someone with a car and ran, he clearly states that he needs money pay his legal fees..I once followed him until the proof slapped me in the face..we are very sad his dog passed away, but he is a low life scum who deserves to goto jail and when he does are you still gonna support him? instead of calling people names, write something that will show us that he is innocent…open your mind and see the truth…thats all I am asking you to do…
Tam says
Brett it’s ppl like you who deserve to sit in jail, when it comes to using these poor innocent animals just for money…those 2 handsome rottweilers deserved better….like I said before. …Karma’s a bitch, and you’re going to deserve very bit of it. Thank you Anne for letting us all know how brett really is. I felt so bad when I watched the video, and, I still do, but, using the dogs for monetary gain is disgusting.
Brian says
thanks so much for exposing this scum/low life to the public….we should do everything in our power to get him arrested for fraud..and its funny how he deleted his and hank and brutus facebook account…innocent man has nothing to hide..Here is a link to his latest youtube vid stating he is not a scam artist…kinda funny…http://youtu.be/99iVHpJVXyg
SDogSpot Author says
I’m listening to it now. It’s 25 minutes of incomprehensible ranting. There’s more coming out later today.
No longer putting up with BS says
He can “delete” the pages all he wants but they remain on the servers. The AG will have no problems pulling up every post this asshole made and under all the different names and fraudulent money requests as well. Innocent people do not behave the way this scammer has done. I hope you help the AG fry the rat bastard. Oh, and the dog’s ashes CAN be tested for toxins and chemicals to see if he poisoned him – even after cremation. Cremation does not destroy everything.
Kayson Mire says
Oh my..
Did you not watch the video where he said that he calls his dogs twins because they look ALIKE and not because they are BROTHERS from the SAME litter?
Because I sure did.
Stop giving him crap for calling them twins, it’s like calling two dogs sisters just because they are family, and not even close to being from the same litter.
Victoria says
Actually… You DID claim they were twins…. You have a while “gift shop” online with merchandize that says “Rottweiler twins”, etc.
Secondly… A hit and run IS a big deal. Even if that’s the ONLY thing on your history, that is a terrible record.
Also, if you work for Google as listed on your Facebook, how are you still homeless?
Lastly, Anne’s point was more so that you even POSTED pictures like that (fighting stance)… She didn’t necessarily say YOU fought them.
Anne says
Google is not happy that someone like this is PRETENDING to work for them. We will let Google go after him for that. he does NOT work for Google. He does not work but he makes money solely by lying to obtain it by using his dogs and making you feel sorry for him. He is the sorry one. Pathetic. Lost his friends and family, because of his own doing. It is not the dogs, it is HIM.
killian says
“google” is the owner of youtube. His videos generate on average about 20k views each. thats enough to become a youtube partner so in essence he gets paid by google to post vids. I dont agree with his actions but that explains that part
Tom Mullen says
right. But he is NOT an employee but an independent contractor most likely, but simply because You Tube pays him may not even fall within independent contractor status. Legally, he is not exactly being forthright
Anne says
Really Brett? where is YOUR proof of this? Wait, like everything else you lie about, this is just another one. Literally EVERYTHING you say is a lie. You live in some fantasy world, and have big dreams, and you expect the public to pay for those dreams. Stop playing down your warrant. IF it were remotely true, why do you not go turn yourself in, if you are so sure you can walk away. As for saying the dogs were littermates, you cannot even see it because you are blind and stupid to your own stories. Isnt there a street corner you can go sit and beg on instead of bothering people on here. Sure must be nice to be you, to blame all your demons and issues on your dogs, your meal tickets. Screen shots do not lie, but YOU DO!!!! Still waiting for all the proof I have harrassed you since last year. Bring it on!!!!!!. I do not fear you. You are nothing but all talk and all crap. This is one woman who will not cower and crawl away from you or anyone else Brett. When I see a scammer, I let it be known and you had made it so very easy with your posts to prove how unstable you are. Maybe those who do not understand English are still supporting you, and I feel bad for them, but cannot fix it. You think you can intimidate me? Try again. I have nothing to hide, where YOU, have TO hide. Big difference. Your time lines do not match up. I truly think you hurt Hank, even not knowingly at the time, because of your rage, which was so clearly posted BY you on YOUR wall, then you get mad because people turned against you. I didnt do that, YOU did it.
Tamandra says
I can show you the threats he made to me, too. Clearly an unstable guy. How utterly despicable to scam money off of people by exploiting his dogs. Sensational titles about fighting pit bulls and such. All you have to do is watch one video to see what an idiot dog owner he is.
No longer putting up with BS says
Show the threats to the local police and file a harassment report against him. Then forward the threats and the report to the AG and request a protection order along with fraud investigation. Once his scam reached $5K it turned into a major federal offense with internet/wire fraud charges to boot. You have the proof – hand it over and let the officials send this piece of shit to jail. He won’t have to worry about being homeless for 3-5 years.
Anne says
Anne, he may be what you say he is but Brutus’ grief is very real. I cried because of this babies grief. I never saw anything about the owner scamming people.
Kaytlin says
I cried too… And I Believe wholeheartedly that Dog’s have emotions, heck, they probably have purer emotions than us. However, this guys background came to light; I saw the proof! Knowing this, all the lies, all the disgusting things he’s done; he doesn’t know anything about dogs and surely doesn’t respect their emotions. He probably drugged his dog to make him look like that. He most likely killed Hank in the first place. A dog would NOT starve itself to death because of a simple “Outburst”.
SDogSpot Author says
I don’t know exactly what he did but you’re right, dogs don’t starve themselves if someone yells at them.
Sam says
Even if a dog was starving to death (for WHATEVER reason), it is pure negligence to not get that animal the veterinary care it needs to regain its health. This man should not have animals.
Napoleonesco says
Brutus appeared to be well fed in the video I saw.
Sonya says
Why do you care what he does. It is not your job to judge him. That is God job not your.
Kris Lead says
Just answer a question that everyone wants to know ! How the dog died ? It is obviously that he did not die of a “broken heart”, I spoke with a Vet and he said it was not POSSIBLE!!! You said also that you other dog died of “broken Heart” as well. Please what did you do with this dog?? Was he sick for how long ? any symptoms? why you did not take them to the Vet? Do you know most of Vets would work with you on the payments ?
Please be a MAN, a responsible One and answer this question !
No longer putting up with BS says
I have seen an elderly dog pine to death but it was only after major trauma. The poor wee baby lost his “mama and daddy” (one to death the other to a nursing home) then he was sent to a trusted friend who ended up homing him outside in a doghouse and treating him like an actual dog instead of like the furbaby he was raised as. It took about 6 months but the dog stopped eating and drinking, eventually becoming so weak that by the time we found him the vet could not save him. It happens, but not in a week.
jen says
Brett this is enough info here to prove what a liar and scam artist you really are!! Go get a real job like everyone else. and do us a favor and dont get anymore dogs since clearly you cant even take care of yourself and hold down a job. Hopefully no ones is dumb enough to give you anymore dogs to kill! poor babies
Amy says
It said 3500? Lol
Willow says
You conveniently left out the reason exactly why you would say such a thing like selling your dogs to a drug dealer and they were going to fight them. The post was clearly made by you.. what kind of person would say or even think such a thing? A desperate rag spat from a desperate man.
Also, why do you post videos with titles like “Pit Bull and Rottweiler Fight!!!!!” ? Posting titles like that is a desperate attempt to bring in views.. so you will get paid. And what grown sane adult would post pictures of dogs fighting on facebook? Lol A weird person…. that’s who.
Few months ago I stumbled on Brett videos. I thought the dogs were beautiful. But the more videos I watched.. the more uneasy I felt about this brett guy. He approaches strange people with their dogs.. “Don’t worry. My dogs are trained. They won’t bite. Haha.”… 5 seconds later- Hank or Brutus one is lunging forward snarling and barking. His common response is “They get jealous of dogs who aren’t neutered.” Lol.. Um yeah. Maybe so but I personally would never put my dog in a possible dangerous situation just so I could make a 3 minute video for youtube.
When he says “rescued” what he really means is he probably just bought them as adults out of the paper or craigslist. He throws the word “rescue” out there to play the sympathy card and to make others think he is this upstanding guy who rescues dogs. From what I’m seeing.. the dogs need rescued now.. from him.
Another thing he does that erks me is he talks like a 14 year old kid… “my rottweilers are bigger than yours”. Okay lol I will make note of that. Derp.
This guy clearly has some mental issues and the poor dogs suffer with him. It is questionable why his family wants nothing to do with him.
Now I shall state one last obvious fact… why doesn’t he just get a job? When that $6000 came in.. why not house up in a nice room.. use the money as sparingly as possible.. and get a job at Burger King or Wendys? Even part time. On his videos he says he won’t do that cause he won’t leave the dogs in his jeep for 8 hours. Understandable. But.. the $6000 and a little room would take care of that. It would be no different than when any of us go to work and leave our pets. We have to. He’s says he is waiting for his union to get his job back. Said something like he was fired because he got hurt? Well thing is.. you can’t really sit around wait for a white knight to rush in and save you. I’m learning the hard way that we all have to look out for ourselves .. and think ahead. He needs to get off his ass.. thank God for that $6000.. use it wisely and break his neck finding a quick job. Stop whining like a chump on fucking youtube and actively do something to improve his situation. I’m going through very rough times myself. I do know what it’s like to be up against a wall with pets at your side. But Sheesh… to see a man who moans and BEGS like he does is just horrible. No wonder he doesn’t have a woman lol just saying.
It is very suspicious how he begged for money after Cloud died.. and now after Hank passed away. I can understand needing a little help but he is just down right begging now and has no intentions of pulling his own weight. The guy has no shame whatsoever. Revolting.
Anne says
Willow, very well said. Applauding you 🙂
Dawn says
Brett… no one did this to you ..you did this all to yourself. Facebook don’t lie like the piece of a crap you are.. Anna didn’t do nothing but show her care for those dogs and who every gave you money.. Thanks Anna great job
Sandy says
No legitimate rescue would allow a
Homeless person to adopt a dog much less two dogs, get a grip.
Barbara says
There is another woman doing this same thing. Running scams using her fake rescues to collect donations to pay for her personal living expenses, food, gas, clothing, etc. her name is Nicole Eidsmoe and her fake rescues are Rainbow Bridge Bully Rescue and Last Chance Bully Ranch. She is currently in El Paso, Texas but has been running this scam all over the country for the last 5 years. She needs to be exposed and stopped!
Tanya says
So expose her and stop here. Don’t wait for someone else to do it for you.
SDogSpot Author says
There are lots of them in WA too.
Ali&nova says
Karma you asshole you made us cry You don’t deserve to be blessed with such precious creatures!!!! No good will come to you!!!;(((
Victoria says
Also, he was charged with unlawful possession of a firearm after his guilty plea on the hit and run. He needs to just give it up and stop using his dogs as a ploy and treating them like a meal ticket. He shouldn’t even be allowed to have dogs!
Cloey Jade says
I just wanted to point out that this guy is a Dogsbite.org supporter as well. He HATES pit bulls and their owners and says that pit bull owners are the scum of the earth, criminals and the rest of the usual and yet he goes around and does this kind of crap. Typical of a BSL supporter and ESPECIALLY a dogsbite.org supporter. They also have in their ranks a convicted murderer, a load of people with violent felonies and drug charges and two i know of that have been charged with domestic terrorism. These people are the face of the people who want to take innocent dogs and kill them. He also bragged about his dogs attacking a pittie. Im sure i can find the screenshots somewhere. Hes also racist and says awful things about people that are different or overweight. Dont give this guy ANYTHING.
SDogSpot Author says
How do you know he supports dogbite.com?
Julie Jo says
Seattle Dog Spot, he is a dbo supporter. Cloey Jade is correct. It is well known within the dog rescue community. Seems the man is also a fraud as well. I have to wonder how many other dbo supporters are doing the same thing. Shame shame.
Hy21brid says
He’s a frequent online poster that follows around the dogsbite community. Dogsbite supporters (along with Daxton’s Friends)have several Facebook pages set up that they congregate on and post news articles with taglines like ‘Hey, I need some commenting help over here on this article.’ They then follow each other over to the articles en masse to attack any anti-breed specific legislation posters. He’s one of the ones that participates in it. Here he is posting on Dangerous Dogs, which is one of their well known pages to spread pit bull hate: https://www.facebook.com/groups/251552614875100/permalink/807860535910969/ It’s pretty ironic since A. He owns Rottweilers and B. He’s always calling pit bull advocates scammers and the scum of the earth and he’s actually the one that is exactly that.
SDogSpot Author says
Thanks for posting the link.
Tamandra says
I’ve had my run ins with this joker, simply from critical YouTube comments. He went after me on Facebook and threatened me. LOL threatened to make a video about my dog that would embarrass me.. ? Whatever. He uses sensationalistic titles to get millions of viewers to his stupid videos. I hope he loses his other dog and goes to jail!
No longer putting up with BS says
oh Lordy! I better start deleting all those “embarrassing” videos and photos of me and my furbabies then!!! If he hacks my phone or computer he will find my little darlings parading around in their new Christmas outfits, feasting on filet mignon and lobster tail, and guarding my grandbabies LOL. Oooooo I would be sooooooo “embarrassed” if anyone ever saw them ROFLMFAO!!!!
He obviously is not a true animal lover or he would NEVER be afraid of ANY videos or photos going public. I treat ALL of my animals – pigs, chickens, goats, dogs, cats, bunnies, cows, horses, and even a turtle or two – just like they are my children. Well….I probably have more photos of my furbabies than my human ones but you know what I mean 😉 That statement alone tells me he does not love animals the way he is claiming.
Amber says
While I can neither confirm nor deny the information in this post, a few things struck me. 1) There IS a typo that first says he was “selling the dogs to drug dealers for $3500, and then later states $35,000. So I get where that was misconstrued. Also, I think it is rather unprofessional to not blur out the man’s home address on the form from VCA hospital.
His posts on FB mainly read as trolling. I’m not passing judgement one way or another, but I highly doubt a dog in the condition that Hank appeared to be in would starve to death in one week, let alone voluntarily starve to death.
SDogSpot Author says
He didn’t fill out the form truthfully. He doesn’t live there. The bank foreclosed on it last year for nonpayment. He lives in his car or in hotels.
Valerie says
Exactly! Which is how I KNOW he did something horrible to that dog. it didn’t starve, more likely he had internal injuries from Brett’s “breakdown”. The man is a lunatic with severe anger issues. In one video his dog is limping, and he says oh, he does that sometime. Didn’t get past me it was the video where “Hank just finally accepted Brutus.” How hard did he have to beat Hank to get that to happen, I wonder. He said he got them as puppies at one point, littermates, then changed it to adopted together, then got them as adults, says he has no clue how old they are, but said Hank was 7….my mind spins trying to remember all of his lies! I want to know what REALLY killed Cloud, also. His dot didn’t lay on him and kill him. I want those other dogs OUT of his possession. He comes off like a madman and has no business having any defenseless animal.
Valerie says
Sorry for the typos , lol
Dot should be dog, he claims the Rottie laid on the Peke and suffocated him. I don’t think it was the Rottie who suffocated that poor little dog. Just sayin’
Sam says
Even if it did starve, it is a severely neglectful animal “caretaker” that allows an animal under his care to starve to death! I don’t care if the person rationalizes that it’s because the animal is sad. That animal needs veterinary intervention to save its life, not negligence that allows it to starve to death. This man should not have animals at this point in his life. He exploits them (to fraudulently solicit funds from people) and does not provide them with adequate housing or veterinary care.
Tom Mullen says
I have had a run-in with Brett when I commented on misinformation he repeated over and over again regarding the rott breed. Instead of taking my opinion and considering it, he went off the handle and started calling me all these vicious names like “faggot.” He doesn’t like to be held accountable for his behavior apparently. I have been following his videos over the last year and am frightened by the fact he wants to be in rott rescue, when he fails to know anything about proper training and support. Rotts are not for everyone, but in the hands of this ignoramus its dangerous. As a result of his video’s, so many of his followers are naive 13 year old kids, or individuals who equally lack education in the breed. I for one know many professionals in the breed and rescue organizations, and they would curse this guy if they saw half the stuff he broadcasts.
I am not going to take a position whether he did intentional harm to Hank (and I still seriously doubt he did) but of course, his behavior and negligence in not properly taking care of Hank’s health needs probably caused Hank’s death (assuming that cremation report is valid). But we need to seriously stay on message and that is he is blatantly using his dogs unfairly and risking their health for his selfish, imbelic motives. More importantly, we must convince him and alert anyone else not to enable him, to give up his desire to be a rescue because 1. he doesn’t know what he is doing he’s lucky both Hank and Brutus were somewhat balanced (can you imagine he rescues an aggressive imbalanced breeding??? and the damage from that which would ensue??) 2. he’s not capable of maintaining pet ownership properly perhaps more than a couple of dogs NOT 5 and 3 rottweilers (remember he had Heidi, Hank and Brutus all at the same time. While I seriously believe he loves these dogs I also believes he makes very poor decisions and needs a reality check. THAT is what we are doing for him – teaching him to cease and desist with his delusions because we care about the dogs too and don’t want to see him harm others subsequently. He needs to feel the pressure to make sure he knows his future is NOT nor should EVER BE in rott rescue. Thank you
SDogSpot Author says
Yes, he does denigrate both gays and women in numerous comments.Thanks for sharing your experiences. He needs to be stopped before someone gets hurt.
Jen says
I have a fundraiser going and it’s to help spay 4 rescue cats I brought into my home to save from euthanasia. My page is legit and I haven’t received one donation. Yet this guy can lie and gets thousands of dollars, amazing!! Hey buddy, maybe you should try donating some of that money back to people who will actually use it for what their campaign is designed for. Smh
SDogSpot Author says
Thanks for saving the cats. It’s too bad all that money wasn’t going to legitimate rescuers.
Valerie says
I noticed that, too. I don’t understand people. I take in neglected horses and rarely fundraise for them, I do it all out of pocket. But, this last time, some friends of mine DID fundraise for a starving Belgian and a Standardbred and people called them everything but honest. (we still managed to save those two horses, though, in spite of people) So, legit people struggle to do the good they do while people like this little twit like their sorry a$$e$ off and have money thrown at them. But, right now, I just want the other dogs removed from him. The rest can be handled by the law. I am worried sick for those dogs.
Valerie says
autocorrect is not my friend :/
Sam says
Yep, same here. I ACTUALLY rescue, tend to veterinary needs, and take as long as needed to find responsible, thoroughly-checked homes for animals in need. My funds come from hard work and a full-time job because unless you’re a huge charity or you resort to fraudulent tactics like this guy, good luck getting donations pouring in. This guy makes me sick. Even worse: people who scam others out of money pretending to be legit rescuers only serve to undermine real rescuers and give them all a bad name.
Sam says
Jen: Look into low-cost spay/neuter programs in your area. I don’t know where you live, but where I live, there is a great program to help spay/neuter homeless animals/ferals, as well as provide free or low-cost spay/neuter for private individuals.
Marion says
His indiegogo fundraiser is now under investigation by their Trust and Safety Team per email. Also being reported as a scam on http://www.examiner.com/article/man-behind-grieving-rottweiler-video-is-scam-artist
SDogSpot Author says
Good! Thanks for letting us know.
Sandra Castro says
Luke & Babette's big "pitbull" lobby says
Another one of dogsbite dot org’s finest “pit bull” haters. Just wondering if this is how dogsbite trolls were bred or if it’s genetics?
Virginia Foley says
Thank you Robert for once again providing us with important information and letting us know about him! I will share in the hopes that many more people see this and do not donate.
Personally I have my hands full donating to local rescues that I know need my help and what they are using the money for.
The only exception I made to that was donating a small amount to several of the rescues involved in saving some of the OAS survivors.
C Holmstrom says
Very interesting read. I rarely look at any videos that are shared on fb or social media as so many of them are click-bait, for getting money from ads and seem as realistic as an infomercial. I rarely give money to any rescue or private individual with out first checking them out. Animal lovers are some of the most generous people there are and it is easy to take advantage of them. I grew up in the suburbs of Seattle, no longer live there but still visit so this is of interest to me. I looked at the youtube listings, but did not watch any of the videos and had never heard of this man before. I am not sure about his previous views of pit bull type dogs but on one video he wrote (copy and paste from 1/29 with the title of “Crying Rottweiler Video Goes Viral!!!”)
“Hi everyone. My video of Brutus sad and weeping for the loss of his brother Hank has now gone Viral and is being shared all around the world. I was contacted by over half a dozen online news agencies to share the rights. I decided to share and show the world animals are caring, loving and sensitive creatures, just like us human beings are. I am so proud of my dogs, and myself for having the strength to share. Pit Bulls and Rottweilers are sweet dogs with feelings! This also is a sweet victory for all those that have spent the last 2 weeks trolling…Um, so sorry, you lose!
Lastly we have been approached by animal lovers around the world to reach for the stars and ask fellow lovers to help donate funds to get Brutus into a home of his own! “
Kelly says
This is sick, just sick!! Something needs to be done ASAP to remove the other animals form this unstable guy’s hands!!!
LuLu catLove says
Why isnt Brett replying?
Anne says
Lulu, probably because he cannot make up lies fast enough. he has alot of lies out in the open, so like the true coward he is, he hides and hopes it goes away.
Michelle says
I want to know how someone so unstable and who is obviously homeless is approved for adoption of these innocent animals???? I assume just because he lies on a application? I mean they checkout references or are supposed to right?
Tom Mullen says
Not if people go to private individuals who are just seeking to unload their dogs – which to me is incomprehensible.
arianna says
On one of his videos tells the woman he is stalking – oops – I mean following around and videotaping – that he got his dogs “for free”, and “had to drive a long way”.
What I don’t get.. is why the people of Seattle are not upset, why this guy is not all over the media… so many scams for all this time,, where are the dog groups.? What about the people in the videos? The Petco’s or Pet Smarts, doesn’t anyone ever complain? He is always sidling up to young girls with that creepy voice… There is one video where his dog (while the dog is behaving well – not the point..) the dog is running loose among a bunch of kids swimming and splashing.. completely high risk, I would never put a dog, even one that was “good”, in that situation. There is a terrified little boy, who says “I’d like him on a leash”.. a 4 year old!! Aren’t there leash laws there? I that was my child scared and some guys was standing there filming him, I’d say something….I’m far away, I can’t report hearsay.. people are upset but the “victims” don’t seem to do anything. Like the hospital he went into… there is a video and pic of the little boy …. I’m sure without permission.. that could be a lawsuit….. I don’t know.. we can’t save people who don’t want to be.. but I feel bad for the dogs.. I have no doubt the has killed some of them, no doubt at all.
Eric says
It is a tragedy to see grown people throwing verbal stones at someone I have known since the 90’s. I am glad he is not giving any more time to any on this thread! I wonder if any of you know what it is like to be homeless and desperate. Not like the court of public opinion matters but the hit and run did not involve anyone but him. The pekingese got smothered and I was on the phone with Brett shortly after he found the poor thing. The term twins is used because they look alike. There is more, I could answer but certain people would rather sling mud. I am thankful people with good hearts made the choice to help Brett get his dogs out of the Jeep and it isn’t any concern what is done with the money, it was given of free will. I stand by my friend Brett. He has been as loving to those dogs as anyone. Attacking his character and slandering his name with half truths is pathetic!
SDogSpot Author says
I think the evidence is overwhelming that this guy is using these dogs to generate sympathy and raise money. How do you explain asking people for $100k after posting a questionable “grieving rottweiler” video.
Tom Mullen says
That aptly applies here. Here, we have someone living in his cars and hotels talking about rescuing MORE dogs?? What part of that imbecilic situation do you NOT get.
I don’t give two shits about his stupid acts of the past, I care about my beloved breed. He 1) thinks he knows about the breed but doesn’t and 2) how can you help helpless animals when you can’t help yourself. He was offered BY ME a suggestion to send Hank and Brutus to a reputable rott kennel in Battle Ground but CHOSE to put them on the street with him, in harm’s way, notwithstanding not paying attention to his dogs – both Hank’s health and Cloud’s getting smothered. The latter I understand was an accident, but he put his dogs in terrible situations and that is what pisses me off the most. And yet, he talks about “saving” more. he need’s a reality check. (See my comment above)
Sam says
What he did with the money IS of concern. If he solicited funds for a specific purpose, and people gave for THAT SPECIFIC PURPOSE, and then he used the funds for things other than that purpose, that’s fraud. Plain and simple. People gave of their own free will because they were led to believe it would be used in a specific way. They have a right to know if the money was used in that way and a right to be upset if it wasn’t. And if he’s been soliciting funds for his “rescue” but does not have the proper paperwork to solicit funds for charity in the state of Washington, that is also against the law. I hope he gets charged with these crimes and held accountable. If it was just a mistake and he didn’t know, that’s one thing. But he openly flaunts this and mocks and insults people who question where the money has gone. He is taking advantage of people, preying on their goodwill, and breaking the law.
SDogSpot Author says
And if he’s using the money for something other than what he said it was for he’s committing fraud, which is a felony.
And how do his supporters explain his getting kicked out of Seattle Children’s Hospital twice for trying to bring his fake “therapy dogs” inside?
jen says
Just wondering why his lazy ass dont just get a job and make his own money?? if hes homeless he shouldnt even own a dog!! and theres a reason why the dog was cremated, so no one could find out he really killed it!! Hes a real peice of work.
brian says
I think you are missing the point here..I personally feel horrible for hanks death because I am too a rottweiler owner..I too lost my beloved rottie back in august but I would never in million years putting a video on youtube of my dead dog…why? because I was too busy grieving and that was the last thing I had in mind..did you know your so called friend used to troll around youtube looking for people with rottweiler videos and personally attacked them? he even called a guy the “N” word because he commented on my video..He personally attacked me and my dog because I had a video..No sane person would do that especially if you had something in common..He actually told me that he was going to knock me out until he found out I was a former muay thai fighter..I even gave him the name of my gym and address so he can come down and we can settle this..He declined to comment after that..My point is, he prays on the people who think are weak and takes advantage of people by making them feel bad…Karma is a bitch and its looks as though Karma is about to Knock his ass out..I feel bad for you because you don’t see the evidence right in front you of…because he is your friend, it doesn’t mean he didn’t do what he did..He is even banned from facebook…don’t see him as a friend and see the evidence..we all feel for hanks death, that is why so many people are outraged because he takes a tragic incident to a money making scam..He seriously has some sort of mental health issues that he needs to get help asap and I would not be surprised to see him get that help in cold jail cell..I would have more respect for him, if he just came out and said he made a mistake but we know that is not going to happen..becareful eric it could be you next time he scams someone..
SDogSpot Author says
Thanks for your thoughtful comments and sharing your experience with him. Bullies back down when they are called out.
No longer putting up with BS says
“…….I wonder if any of you know what it is like to be homeless and desperate…….”
DESPERATE. You said it all right there. You really should go read the words written and said directly by that DESPERATE greedy POS before you defend him. You should be ashamed of yourself!
Anne says
Well said!
Anne says
Eric, you apparently support this racist moron. However, when he TELLS you to give him money, and you say no, watch how fast you become the object of his hate and rage.
Colleen says
Actually I think this eric guy doth protest to much….. i think Eric is actually hiding his real name of Brett!!!
arianna says
No one is trying to bash or be unfair to your friend, but come one, as Tom said below…. you have to look at the facts, even just the logic.
He’s homeless.. okay. 1. What about a job? Apparently he is in very good shape. He is lucky he could do a lot of work others can’t. I know people who have been desperate. They have worked cleaning toilets and flipping burgers, doing anything for money. 2 or 3 jobs at a time. When someone is desperate that is what they do. I
2. I can’t support myself, therefore; I will get another/more dogs??? Does that make sense? I would have liked a dog a long time ago.. but have waited many years until I had the money, then so I had the time; before I could even think about being a responsible owner of one dog. Its called responsibility. Your friend does appear to have a pattern of blaming someone else. or other people, or things for his dilemma. He does not seem to take responsibility for much.
3. I’m homeless, and can’t support myself (and therefore my dogs).. so instead of thinking … like studio apartment, I will ask the public to send me the money to buy a HOUSE. Then what? You have to make payments, pay the utility bills. I don’t know that he’s thought this out too well.
4. My dog died, therefore the public should buy me a house. Anyone lose a pet?
I always try to be fair, and I’ve been digging deep here… I’m glad you like your friend.. but try to understand… this really is hard to justify…
I wrote a post from a man who offered to take his dogs after he read that Brett was going to sell them to “drug dealers”. He wanted $3,000 for dogs he got for free. He wanted to profit off of them. If he really cared about them, having them safe and taken care of would be more important. The man seemed very nice,, I bet he might have even been able to work something out so the man would take his dogs while he got back on his feet and then he could take them back. I think if he came across as someone struggling and unable to care for their dogs, there would be lot of people happy to help. He’s not asking for dog food, or vet care though, he’s asking for a house. He’s saying the dogs need a house.
And I really don’t know how the law deals with these fundraisers,,, this is all very new.. until recently.. you didn’t see young healthy people having a fund raiser for themselves…. Sometimes a sick child, etc.; and people assume the $ is going to medical care… I don’t know…..
It goes both ways though, if you choose to “make your living” publicly via you tube and these fund sites, then you are opening yourself up to public scrutiny. It’s incredulous that I hear his defenders saying “it’s none of your business”, when he put himself and his posts and his videos out there for the world to see….. it’s now everybody’s business….. Again.. no logic.. no logic..
Lynda says
No one and I mean no one would video that grief if not for personal gain. I thought from the get go that this wasn’t real for that reason and this…… Dogs are totally different from us,they certainly grieve when they do not know what has happened to their mate/ family/ loved one,but if they can see the dead body and sniff at it, then they move on.
I don’t believe for one second that this was a true situation, I think he either drugged the poor ‘ grieving’ dog or forced it to stay there. either way this guy is an out and out abuser of animals and people.Disgusting.
Julie Jo says
Once again Robert, you rock 🙂
SDogSpot Author says
Thanks, Julie.
Brian says
This idiot is a scum bag. He used to troll around youtube channels with rottweiler videos just personally attacking the owner and the dog for no reason..When he posted his video, I knew he was upto something…we as a dog lovers really should rally together and report this scumbag..many hard working people donating thinking it was for a good cause but we were all scammed…Please contact the attorney general so that he can pay for the crimes he committed…..its funny how his facebook page no longer exists….
Michele says
I am so disgusted in the human race. But Brett, I can tell you one thing. Its people like you, who make us rescuers burn out. You are going to have a LOT of company where you will eventually land up. I wish nothing but misery for you from here on out.
Christian says
For your information he is not a scammer his dog Hank really did pass away in his sleep I cannot believe that you would believe some lady that is spreading lies about that I think that she and you guys need to leave his YouTube channel and Facebook page alone you guys can actually get in trouble for going through some personal stuff he’s not hiding anything I’ve watched all his videos he’s not fighter he did not kill his dog so if you guys don’t have anything good to say to him just don’t say it at all because I’m on his side on this and I know he’s not lying he is a good owner and he really does love his dogs and I’m going to help him clear his name because I know he’s innocent all u bullys and haters leave him alone and I won’t say it again
Tom Mullen says
By the way you write, either you’re 13 years old or another pea in Bennet’s pod. Intelligence and experience matters. Go back to your XBOX games.
Anne says
I was thinking it was Brett making up names and pretending he has friends. Matter of fact, I still think that.
L says
Why would you say that to a person like Brett? He’s an honest person and he loves all his dogs , I’m disgusted with the human race because of ignorant people as yourself, the people that donated are not the gullible ones, you are for believing this article and the lies it’s spreading.
priscilla says
You guys are a bunch of bullshit. For one that “screenshot” of your Facebook conversation is obviously fake!!! He has a profile picture and I know for a fact that when u block or if someone blocks you there will still be a picture. You guys are harassing this guy. He is truly grieving and you assholes have to come up with false statements even make a profile yourself with his name and screenshot it.. if any of you guys want to know the truth about him watch his youtube channel. He is a honest guy and cares about his dogs alot!
SDogSpot Author says
I don’t think the screenshot is fake, but there’s plenty of other evidence. What about the screenshot of his own facebook page where he says “I just sold them. Hope my boys learn how to fight for their lives…Goodbye Hank and Brutus. Daddy is so proud of all the money you made for my lifestyle… Hope you like your new owners.” Is that fake? Or are you going to say he was just being sarcastic. Is his criminal record fake? How could his dog die of a “broken heart?” Why didn’t get the dog help if he stopped eating?
Sorry, there’s too much damning evidence, and much more is coming.
L says
You don’t have any evidence so stop claiming that’s there evidence the only evidence you have is bullshit lies spread by ignorant morons! If you aren’t fucking dense as I think you are , you would go check out his real YouTube channel and see who he really is and what he is going through.
SDogSpot Author says
I did see his youtube channel. The videos only confirmed by belief that he’s scamming people.
Anne says
Priscilla Are you in the age 7 to 14 category? Seems that is all who stick up for him, kids and those out of the US. Not for nothing, but if you are outside the US, you are making yourself look dumber by the comment. You cannot possibly “know” him unless you live by him. Two, you are apparently very stupid. When Brett contacts someone, then shuts his page down, or blocks the person, his picture disappears. I have been able to prove the screen shots are real, but I will not argue with you, as what is the point is arguing with an idiot? Oh and get this, when people are really sad, they grieve. They do NOT make videos of their dead pets to try to get money. So get a clue or just shut that mouth. Aint no one buying what youre selling.
debbie says
if you are blocked on facebook you can’t see anything relating to the person who blocked you or you blocked them. no profile, nothing. is as if they didn’t exist
Tami Moore says
I’m so happy that this is finally out. He and I had a few exchanges of facebook and youtube. He is a vulgar and narcissistic individual who does not look homeless to me. I suggested he get a job instead of parading two fat dogs around and sounding like a Rottweiler expert. He has blocked me from his personal facebook and the Hank and Brutus facebook page as well. I did send indiegogo an email recently making them aware that I suspect this to be fraud and to investigate his situation further. Case # 594697. I have pictures of his insulting comments on youtube if you need them. Thanks
SDogSpot Author says
Thanks for reporting him. It’s the only was to stop him.
L says
What does a homeless person need to look like in Order to be homeless? Don’t be such an idiot, and since your so good at calling out frauds and scams then wouldn’t you agree that fake comments and fake accounts and fake profiles exist?
SDogSpot Author says
Yes. Yours may be one of them.
Matt Black says
I don’t really think this article is credible. I did donate to him, I donated 23 dollars and I’m glad I did. Pictures can be easily faked, especially facebook posts and texts. I could care less if he was in a hit and run because I don’t know all the details about it, so can’t judge with no details. I don’t blame Brett for calling the lady a cunt, because it’s clear she won’t leave him alone.
SDogSpot Author says
Can you explain how to fake a screenshot of a facebook page? And he wasn’t just in a hit and run – he was convicted of hit and run. BTW, how can someone who is homeless drive a Viper?
gavin baker says
Shut up, and learn to not lie about people, this person has allready been charged for animal abuse.
Kirsty says
Has anyone here even WATCHED any of his videos? In all his videos he explains so much. So before you judge, watch all his videos and you will understand.
This guy just lost his dog (and if you are a dog lover you will know how that feels) and now you accuse him of scamming? You are disgusting.
Anne says
Aint no one buying what youre selling.
Kaylen says
Welp, looks like he still has Hank and Brutus, they didn’t end up going to a drug dealer after all. I’ve always wondered why people are pathological liars. It’s sickening.
He also has this going for him too;
scott says
yeah take a good look at his pages…have you ever seen a homeless person living in a home with all those nice things inside of a home! How do u think he got those nice things? by scamming people…He is a what you call a low life scumbag and you are what you call a innocent victim..No one is saying his dog did’t die which is heartbreaking, what we are saying is, he is a criminal who deserves to be punished by law….its unbelievable how many of you are fooled my this low life…how many shelters do u know that adopts dog to a homeless person? I don’t know any…you need to rethink and re-evaluate this situation and see for what it is…this is not the only page that shows he is a scumbag..do some more research…how do u trust a person who hit someone and ran? is that fabricated as well?
scott says
So now you are a lawyer. Cite me a law where it states, it is illegal to post a video or make some money out of a video.
Does It Matter says
His videos on his youtube show how classless he is as well. A 40 year old thug, with no future. His own videos show what kind of pet owner he is. Approaches women, out walking their dogs, trying to show off his dogs, sometimes with muzzles, other times without. He approaches dogs with his own wrong. Face to face, always standoffish, his dogs showing very bad behavior and being aggressive. Therapy dogs do NOT display that kind of behavior or they FAIL. Since he is a failure, of course he would train his dogs for failure as well. He approaches and reacts in hopes of his dogs being in a real dogfight, and that is who Brett REALLY is. He in no way loves those dogs, he only uses them for a weapon, to look, how I think he believes to be cool, using large dogs with muzzles to compensate for his lack of brains, and brawn. Hes a little twig guy who looks like a crack head and so I expect him to try to make his dogs out to be bad and it is because of people LIKE him, these dogs get bad reps. Thanks for that too Brett, you disgusting POS.
J Bell says
Heeere’s BB in his own selfie? https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t31.0-8/1548097_10201176862568590_1310633617_o.jpg
Waterkid says
Ugh, I am SO over these narcissistic bathroom mirror selfies!
Waterkid says
His facebook page claims he is an editor and video producer at Google.
Hmmmm, I would think he would have quite a nice income with that profession.
Any way to contact Google about verifying his employment there and doing a little investigative work as to why he is doing so much “fundraising”?
Scrappy says
If anyone knows the name of Brett’s attorney, you might consider contacting him with Brett’s own words, in writing. Registered mail would be prudent. He will have an ethical issue with regard to the Bar Association(s) he is a member of. Accepting his fees, paid for through fraud perpetrated by his client, won’t look good to a grievance committee or any judge he goes before in the future. Also, contact Pay Pal. He has to have a checking account and/or credit card. Let Pay Pal legal staff pursue him.
Concerned says
People that know Brett personally, and not through some ridiculous YouTube videos, know that he cycles rapidly into massive rage sessions. All it takes is one person to not agree with him and he immediately flies into psycho mode resulting in heinous abuse and threats to the “offending person(s)”. Typically he will then rage on as many Facebook groups as he can about these issues, then he will take them “offline” temporarily and the last mode is the apologizing and the promises that he is seeking out help. He has blamed his unstable behavior on his family, his lack of understanding friends in school, his dog Bubba committing suicide by jumping out of his car window, smoking pot, being jobless, you name it. Many people that went to school with him have blocked him and several are afraid of what he might do because of his violent outbursts. He really needs help before something worse than scamming people out of their money happens.
Holl says
Is Brutus still alive? Is there a rescue group that can same him from this low life
Holl says
Meant save, typing fast
SDogSpot Author says
I don’t know if he’s alive but I assume he still is. Rescues don’t have the legal authority to take dogs. Municipal shelters can, but only if the dog is being abused or has bitten other dogs or people.
Tamara Zachler says
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYsxTykaGqg The other dog is still alive. Here is a new video just posted.
Christian says
you are not going to report his fundraiser cuz if you do I’ll report you for harassing him and going through his personal stuff about his dogs hank did pass away in his sleep they miss him a lot I don’t think he’s making this up I believe him you need to stop being a hater and a bully stop judging him
SDogSpot Author says
It’s not harassment to point out a scam that is misleading people and taking their money.
Nanette Valencia says
So, it’s just a coincidence that he posted on FB that he hated his dogs and they were the reason he was homeless and the next day Hank was dead?? I’m not that gullible
Priscilla says
This site is a scam.. it picks and chooses what comments go up. And obviously they are only letting comment of negativity towards Bret go up. boycott this site for cyber bullying and harassment!
SDogSpot Author says
Publishing the truth isn’t harassment. The reason there is so much “negativity” is because the evidence he’s scamming people is pretty overwhelming.
Tom M says
Bennett does the same thing – simply to make himself look like the pitiful victim here.
You’re pathetic to not able to see facts or LOGIC hit you squarely in the face!!
M says
He has a computer and a post’s video’s to Ytube. He videoed is dog’s with a laptop.
Colleen says
All I can say is that while I have only known Anne for about a year I can tell you that she and I tend to think so much a like and have so much in common that I feel as if I have known her my whole life. She is a honest, hard working, smart, loyal, and loving person who has a passion for animals as well as their over all well being that is second to none. She is a very busy woman that really hardly has any time to herself let alone time to follow a loser such as this guy around and stalk him for no reason. What I do know is that when she became aware of this low life her plans for the weekend got cancelled as she spent that weekend gathering all the information that she could so she could defend any one of her claims if anyone was to question them. She did the homework for everybody and set out on a mission to put a stop to a worthless low life lying scam artist that needed to be stoped asap before anybody else got scamed out of their money and donated to this POS. Once she was well armed with all of the proof that she needed that brett so willingly provided in his very own words and actions she contacted to correct people and helped to set the ball rolling. I know there are plenty of people out there that are glad she did and that she has helped to see the whole thing for what it really is… a scam and nothing more. Anne, to you I raise my glass …. CHEERS MY FRIEND…. JOB WELL DONE!!
Anne says
Thank you Colleen. I have no reason to lie and my goal was to get those dogs away from him, from being exploited for his gain. They are also victims of his, without a choice, and ability to leave.
Sara says
This really makes me mad. People who use helpless animals (or children) and scam others…It really ruins it for others who actually need the help. A friend of mind set up a Go-fund-me account for me a year ago bc my best friend (my dog)who wasn’t even 1 yr old yet, was hit by a car. She broke her bottom jaw, caved in her right sinuous cavity and fractured a vertebrae in her neck. I had to signed up for 2 different credit cards. At the time I was working but 4 months later I had to quit working due to back problems. I think she raised 100 dollars or just a little over. I still owe close to $6000. I don’t live off the state. The only money I get is child support for my 3 kids. That pays rent and a few bills and food. I can’t afford to pay the minimum that they want… So when I see something like this scam, it really hurts….
In the end I still have my best friend and would go in debt all over again just to have her in our lives. She was the shoulder I cried on while going through my divorce and the shoulder I’ll cry on as long as she’s still alive.
Rich says
I call B.S. I did my own extensive research and could not find any of the information presented here. Brett’s face book page has none of the posts pictures here. If you can provide sources that are verifiable, I would support the prosecution of Brett. So far, none of it has proven true. Do you have a bias against Brett? Are the screenshots fabricated? That could be considered libel. Just my two cents.
SDogSpot Author says
He often removes his posts after people call him out on them. That’s why I and other people took screenshots. I don’t have the expertise for making these things up but thanks for thinking that I do. If you can prove they are fabricated, go for it.
Jo says
This freak is now asking the public to buy him a 60 thousand dollar car.
He is after all, so deserving (in his warped mind) and claims it was his “childhood” dream car. Well since they fist came out in 92, he would have been an ADULT already, as he is now 41, will be 42. Do the math. He was 19 when car first came out, so is he really thinking we are stupid?
Also, HE is the stalker. Stalking Anne and claiming she lives in what she does not and where she does not. Then LYING and saying his attorney told him that. That alone proves how much he will lie and make stuff up, not her, HIM!
Brett Bennett, I am calling you out, here and now. Get a life. Get a job (besides supermarket cartboy), stop begging, as it makes you look more pathetic, but we are not buying it. The real story of your dream car is posted in many blogs, and in MANY groups you are not a part of, where the truth about you is posted, and the truth being NOTHING what you claim or remotely close to it. You are well known in the courts and by the police, who also do not buy into your ficticious tales. Stop stalking good people because they do not believe you. Stop ganging up with little kids as they are the only ones to believe you, oh and those that do not speak or understand english. Turn your dogs over to a rescue or humane society so they can get the vet care they deserve, that you neglect them of. Stop claiming Brutus is the biggest rottweiler ever. Not according to Guinness records he is not, and he is FAT, which is why he limps and his hips are bad. I showed a vet the videos, and she agreed, he is overweight and not properly cared for. I know this alone wills end you into a tangent, but then again, the truth always does.
Brett get a job!! says
He’s trying to milk out more money before its to late for him , he knows deep down more and more ppl are finding out he is a fraud, I feel sorry for his dogs , they don’t deserve such a lazy ass owner
SDogSpot Author says
tj brown says
Sadly the victims here are also the dogs. How he’s treated them. What he’s used them to do. I hope someone gets the other dog away from this guy and any other animals he has and gets them to good loving respecting homes. If someone find out where this guy is try to get authorities and a rescue involved to protect the animals. Thank you.
Suz says
Thank you and the lady that contacted you. Many people fall for this type of scam (I am not one of them). Unfortunately, scum like this make it difficult for good people in need of help to request it. I NEVER donate to requests (better safe than sorry), I prefer to go directly to the source and/or see/meet them for myself.
Once again thank you for your post.
LaShell West says
It looks like he is once again getting ready to work another scam ! I just found a post on “Facebook” where he’s clamming that one of the dogs (Rotwiller’s), will not leave the other’s side when it passed away ! This guy is a real piece of work 🙁
SDogSpot Author says
Do you have a link?
Pam says
candy says
ok yes i had a tear in my eye watching the greiving dog vid !! i have been (what do they call it ….. trolling ???? ) this feed and have come to believe some people are just plain idiots !! this man/child needs to grow up and never EVER be allowed to own another pet !! one last comment thank-you so much JBell for his selfie i was pmsl at how patheticly wanna be gangsta this 40yr old homeless guy wants to be how on earth does he afford gym membership !! and anne mate no matter what they say you have done the right thing along with the admin of this page xx
Niko says
It’s a bit upsetting that people go through so much effort to shut someone down, even though they’re making up reasons for the dogs death. I’ve seen assumptions that the dog was starved, I ask you this, what makes you think that, why are you making such an assumption with absolutely NO evidence. Secondly, why do you insist on searching up his criminal record? It has nothing to do with what’s going on currently, I see it more as a way of making look like a worse person than he actually is. It has nothing to do with the dogs, so there’s no point in bringing it up other than to Rory and ruin his life…
I don’t support anyone honestly, I’ve seen the way he talks to some people, and he’s fairly spiteful at times, I’m not defending him, but I feel that both sides are taking this way too far.
J says
I would like to point out that the cremation letter is actually a euthanization contract… if the dog died at home then why euthanize it? Look at the date…
Seattle DogSpot says
Bart says
This is very messed up. A guy like Brett, who was thought to have been a nice and caring animal lover, gets so mad at people for telling the truth about his anger issues and scamming, that he ends up in jail? I’ll tell you, man. Its people like him that can really get under your skin.
Napoleonesco says
I have nothing against mutts but there is no way, Brutus is a full blooded Rottweiler. Hank seems to have been from judging by appearance full blooded. Lol@ whatever a “Gladiator Rottweiler” is.
Cnonon says
To all people judging this guy without knowing straight facts is totally ridiculous! Facebook threads are easily made and fake like come on who doesn’t know that. You cannot believe everything you read online as people are just haters and will try to bad someones name just for the hell of it.I have an ig of my dogs and have been judged by the leashes I use because people are so foolish and judgemental I feel you all should mind your Damn business because you do not know the full truth of this whole story. .. I am not going to judge this guy because no one knows the truth and it’s annoying for people to have so much to say when YOU DO NOT KNOW either!… I for one know he did not sell his dogs because he currently has Brutus I see on YouTube how Hank passed is no ones business I’m sure he would not kill his dog for fame!…and just because a person is homeless does not mean they don’t have a phone besides I believe there is something called a library everywhere in the world where anyone can use computers…so please everyone who is judging this guy without even knowing him how about u sit down and really think of all possibilities before u believe the words of people you so not know. Because of course in this disgusting nasty world full of hateful people like you only the negative is more realistic..shame on you all.
Cnonon says
Also do not forget it is very easy for a person to steal photos and pose as someone else online..people can be setting up other fundraisers or what have yous and it not be him…not saying is innocent but I won’t perceed him guilty just by what is said by people I don’t know
Scott says
You people are jealous because you hate Rott, and Brett is earning few bucks. I don’t see any problem with that. I will stand trail in court if I have to, to support Brett and his videos.
Frances says
Im not surprised about this man making money any ways he can. If I want to give money and not do my research that would be my fault. Would I really think that any organization or politician or any human be honest about money? You want to donate? Donate time. That’s one free tip. When it comes to money people get ugly and yes you can try and stop them but another 10 will pop right back up. If you think Im mean and cruel well sorry to hear but if you came to me for advice I’d tell you not to donate to this “dog foundation”. Animal Lovers Im not saying let the dogs suffer Im suggesting for you to donate your time not your money. They wanted a home, go build them a home. Don’t give your hard earned cash to someone begging for it. Give them a burger instead.
Seattle DogSpot says
I don’t think you’re mean and cruel at all. Your comment was spot on!
Earl Porter says
I thought the lady that posted the primer on narcissistic sociopaths must have had a premonition of who the next president was going to be…
She certainly nailed THAT scumbag…
Amber says
It seems more like the Facebook accounts were fake! Anyone can use an existing name and create an account of that person, using photos of them and even their families! Those posts seemed antagonizing and WAY~ too far out there! Especially compared to the video where expressed concern for the dogs. Maybe those fundraiser pages were put up by someone using his name. Also that Facebook message had a missing profile picture, unlike the post’s. Clearly a different account and he spoke differently. Even said “I am not. I know there are rumors about me” if it was the same person as in the posts, he would have just said “f*** you!”. Am I the only one who noticed this?
RPregulman says
We have verification that those were his posts. He hasn’t posted anything for several months as he’s in jail for attempting to rob a bank.
mf says
i do not live in the state of washington but i think anyone who is in this man’s local area should get together some money and attemp to bring a lawsuit against this man for all the crimes he has committed and will commit because he is clearly not going to stop.
Seattle DogSpot says
He’s currently in jail for robbing a bank. I don’t know for how long but he probably won’t be out for awhile.
Patricia Johnson says
Where are the dogs
Seattle DogSpot says
I heard they found a home for him when the guy was arrested.
Sad word says
I honestly feel bad for him and his dog one because he can’t take care of them and 2 he has someone who willing to take the time out of their day to sit and expose the man and be little him as if she personal knows him and or is him to know the reasoning for everything he does I not excusing anything I don’t really believe this be true not be I look at the evidence and I just simply just to be ignorant to that fact but because I would like to sit down like a human with some sense and try to understand what this man maybe going through or why he did what he did regardless i don’t understand why anyone on here is going all out to action like the name and insult there calling him now I believe everyone has a good quality in them regardless of how disgusting they may be and I’m not here to choose a side but to suggest the maybe being a bit more understanding and or literate for that matter because let be realistic here he doesn’t film here ever day life and being homeless is something that you become and well frankly I’m a first time driver if I hit someone with my car I probably keep driving in a state of panic or being scared of what might happen I’ll probably regret it but no body perfect people do shit there not proud of and frankly Anne made here point proven by giving enough information to inform but there a time where it’s inform and it’s plan out harassment like exposing the man wasn’t imforminh enough say the things I rather not repeat or state because it won’t really be worth it but what find words it’s is I appreciate that fact she inform but it kinda hard to take people seriously when every word is a well thought insult rather then some very insightful advice because like I said no bodies frankly I bet she’d be good at spotting her own kind but that just my opinion she seem pretty work up and if wasn’t so emotional would probably be able to do more for the poor dogs instead of just fueling the fire but hey what do I know I’m probably some. Lowlife scammer who abuse dogs and eat cat on a stick like a wild animal lol
Elise says
This was found on the Washington Animal Rescue Resources facebook page regarding Brett Bennett
He is out of prision and looking for Rottweilers again!!
Attention rescues and breeders. Brett Bennett, aka Brett Michael Bennett, aka Brettvett1 is out if prison and looking to buy a rottweiler which he also plans to breed. He is based in the Kent/Seattle WA area, but will obtain dogs from anywhere he can and anyone who will sell to him. Please warn breeders and rescues you know. If anyone forgot who he is or never heard of him, make it a point to look him up. There are several articles of his lies and doings as well as videos, of how he acts online. He IS on parole and any threats he makes WILL be sent to the police. He does not need another dog to abuse/kill. He’s done enough damage as it is 🙁
Click videos at above link.
Jo says
Sick Sick man. He now has a little Japanese Chin. This frightens me that there are people in the world needing treatment so badly
Seattle DogSpot says
I knew he had one before he went to prison. Are you saying he has one now?
Rottweiler says
THANK YOU for exposing this obviously unstable con man. This is not going to go away quickly.
Rottweiler says
What a post this is enough information for him to be charged for something.