On December 24 a woman posted pictures and a video which confirmed what many people already know: Rising Phoenix Mastiff Rescue in Yakima is a fake dog rescue that abuses its dogs.
The HIGH temperature the day she took the pictures was 29 degrees F. The low was 12 degrees F. The high temperature for the next three days will be below freezing.
There are feces all over the pen and looks like no one cleaned the pen in several days.
Two of the dogs are on short chains that look to be only 3 or 4 feet long.
Their water is frozen.
They have no protection from the freezing weather. Their only shelter is a dog house that looks too small for any of the dogs.
Two of the dogs are missing some hair and look severely underweight.
At least 3 of the dogs have short hair and nothing to keep them warm.
Several people have said that the “rescue” keeps more dogs in crates inside the metal building next to the pen.
While Washington has weak anti-cruelty laws, it does mandate that dogs must have adequate food, water, and shelter.
There is no shelter to protect these dogs from sub-freezing temperatures and their have frozen water.
The amount of feces in the pen indicates either no one has been around the dogs for days or cares enough about these dogs to keep the pen clean.
I know Washington’s animal cruelty laws are weak, but if this isn’t animal cruelty, what is?
Furthermore, Rising Phoenix Mastiff Rescue’s registration with the Washington Secretary of State’s office is delinquent, and it’s account with the Washington State Department of Revenue expired in 2012.

The “doghouse” is too small to protect 4 dogs from the freezing weather. And the black dog is extremely skinny.
This means Rising Phoenix isn’t registered to do business in Washington.
It also hasn’t paid taxes on its revenue since 2012.
And since Porter spends virtually nothing on vet care for these sick, malnourished dogs, the tens of thousands of dollars she makes on adoption fees appear to go right into her pocket. TAX FREE.
The fact that this “rescue” is still operating is a travesty.
I plan to file complaints about Rising Mastiff to the Washington Secretary of State and Department of Revenue. If Yakima County Animal Control can’t shut them down, maybe the state will since they appear to operating illegally.

Rising Phoenix Mastiff Rescue left these dogs out without protection from the subfreezing temperatures in Yakima this week. Image from accuweather.

Rising Phoenix’s account with the Washington State Department of Revenue expired in 2012, so it appears they haven’t paid taxes for 5 years. Image from WA Department of Revenue.
Report her (and her mother and husband) to the IRS too!
I hope this motivates the authorities to investigate and shut her down now
Don’t forget thr new tethering laws.
Pleas Shut this hell hole down it is abusing gods creatures the Stupid Humans running it need to be locked up or beat to death
Tie these bastards on these short chains and leave them out there! Bring these babies inside and get the FUCKIN government to enforce these laws!!
She was being investigated years ago. Why has nothing been done? She’s widely known as very bad news for dogs for years and still it goes on. Pierce county grants kennel licenses to idiots posing as rescuers and who keep dogs in outdoor kennels both summer and winter. Guess Yakima is about as irresponsible and lax as Pierce county.
This has been going on for far to long! Please get the word out that she is nothing more than a flipper! She cares nothing about the dogs only the money that she takes from people for the “rescued”dogs.
This poor babies need are help.Lets give them the help they need.Be for something happens to this dog’s.
If their license expired in 2012 , WHY are they allowed to operate?? These heartless bastards need to be STOPPED!! Someone in authority needs to STEP-UP and do their frigging job!! Winter is just starting, something needs to be done NOW! The needless suffering of these poor animals is disgusting and shows what kind of people are in charge of this agency that is supposed to PREVENT these things from happening! Do the JOB you are getting PAID for or get someone in there that will!!
Unfortunately shutting down bad dog rescues are not a priority for some animal control officers. And WA’s laws are so weak they are difficult to prosecute/shut down.
These lowlife’s have no business calling themselves a “Rescue”. Is that legal in that county to tie that poor dog out in the cold on that short tether? That yard is disgusting and there appears to be one with a paw injury. What can be done to shut these losers who clearly exploit dogs down? Who should we contact? Enough is enough with dogs suffering with these scum bags pretending to be “rescues”. No dog deserves to be so neglected by the hands of the people who are supposed to protect them and care for them. I’d like to see the vet records for each dog they “rescue”. I’m willing to bet it is woefully inadequate as is the conditions and shape these poor dogs are in.
Tethering is legal for short periods of time but I don’t know how short the chain can be.
We adopted our dog from this “rescue” 1.5 years ago. She was malnourished, covered in fleas and skin infections, worms, and we recently found out she has hip dysplasia and arthritis. We were told she was micro chipped and her med records would be mailed to us but she was not micro chipped and we never received any records. She is also aggressive toward children which we were not told about. Luckily, we don’t have kids, are working with various dog professionals, and love our dog but it could have been a very bad situation. I hope she gets shut down
I’m glad you were able to give her a home. We’ll keep trying to get the word out about here.
I saw this on the Rising Phoenix rescue website today “Rising Phoenix Mastiff Rescue is no longer accepting pets, adopting out pets, or assisting with fosters. Have a wonderful day. “
I didn’t know that – I’ll check it out.
I just saw it too. Please let us know what you find out. What happened to the dogs she has..
Well we will be making sure she does not change her name. And she needs to cover ass since she profited off as pulling off being a non profit Rescue to the IRS.
Can you let me know under whose jurisdiction they are. County Sherrifs Office told mev”outside of City Limits” also said they have contacted her. What kind of authorities are allowing this to go on. Beggars Belief.
It is under the jurisdiction of the Yakima County Sheriff’s Office. They have investigated her several times but when they arrive the evidence they need to charge her is gone. Or she says the dogs were in bad condition when she got them.
This is nothing less then a puppymill pretending to be a rescue and why are these dogs being used to make this abusive bitch a living by abusing, beating and killing dogs? Part of the shameful behavior is on the State of Washington too. This is animal abuse to it`s fullest. Who`s pockets is this hog lining to stay out of trouble, it won`t be the,IRS!- and shelters, stop letting this freak have dogs!
This has gone on way too long and needs to STOP now! We as a community can make noise, ruffle feathers, shout from the roof tops and make it known this POS needs to be held accountable, shut down, and these animals taken in to reputable transparent medical rescues to heal.
Shame on us who watched from a distance, heard about this previously and did nothing or lived the nightmare of the Olympia dogs a few years ago and waited for others to step in.
No time like the present to pressure lawmakers, animal control, the IRS and any other entity that can get things moving! Let Nacho lead us to free the others of life in hell.
My husband and I adopted Buster from Rising Phoenix in August of 2012. He had gone from 150 pds late July to 112 pds less than a month later. We just lost him a month ago and are still heartbroken about losing him. I wish I could post pictures here to show what was done to him at Rising Phoenix. We tried for a few months afterwards to work with others and the local Sheriff to get this farce closed down but was told Patricia keeps some dogs at her house that are well fed and behaved and the others outside of city limits. I hope someday soon she will finally get closed down. Not sure what it was from, but Buster had permanent scars on his back from his short time there.
I’m sorry you lost Buster. Thank you for saving him and giving him a good life.
Are the dogs still there??
We don’t know but she does have some of her own personal dogs.
Everyone in this state should make the pics in the post into posters and show up at every elected official voting location…or post on political websites with their inquiry….asking what will YOU do about this ( of the candidate).. sometimes…shaming them will, at the very least , show every voter what they are truely made of. You may successfully get some laws changed with the right representation, or at the.least get attn drawn to the abusers and get them shut down. I pray for you. VA has it’s challenges too…until we all start voting based on character versus party..our laws will not change.its just that simple. Abusers..and their supporters..cross the lines of (all) gender, party, race and religion …all goo often hiding in plain sight.
Does anyone know if this place was shut down? I pray it was & the owners arrested. This came up in my memories & hope to hear she was shut down.
The rescue appears to be shut down and I haven’t heard of anyone adopting from her. And lots of people are watching to see if she starts up again.