Officials Look Away as a Bucoda Dog Suffers
Have you ever heard the saying “a fish rots from the head down”? It means that when an entity is corrupt or dysfunctional, it’s due to the failure of leadership of the person at the top of it.
The phrase describes recent events in Bucoda, WA.
The owner of a severely neglected dog named Wolfie asked a friend to kill it after someone reported it to animal control. For years, people in Bucoda saw this dog around town in horrible condition; however, no one ever reported it to animal control or any other government entity.
Bucoda Mayor: Dog Looked Fine
Through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), I obtained a copy of the police report regarding the investigation of Wolfie’s death.
When the officer who filed the report asked Bucoda Mayor Alan Carr if he had noticed “anything medically wrong the dog,” he responded by saying, “no, I just saw him last week and he looked fine. old, but fine.”
Mayor Carr also told the Chronicle last week that “the city had no knowledge of the dog being abused and that the dog was a normal sight in town, having been in the area for six to eight years.”
“We saw the dog almost every day. You’d see him walking the streets,” Carr told the Chronicle. “He never went out of city limits and he never bothered anyone.”
He probably never bothered anyone because he couldn’t focus on anything but the pain and agony he suffered every day.
But the horrific pictures of Wolfie taken at his necropsy clearly show the Mayor either doesn’t care about animal abuse or doesn’t understand what it is.
Worst Abuse I’ve Seen
The pictures I saw showed some of the worst abuse I’ve ever seen inflicted on a dog. The hair on the bottom half of his body was gone. Most of the exposed skin was black and cracked, including the skin on his penis and testicles.
Much of the skin had lesions and maggots. He had open lesions at the base of his tail and on his anus, which also had 2 raised, exposed tumors. The vet also said he had been shot at least once before awhile ago.
Any person with a working pair of eyes could see that Wolfie was the victim of severe animal abuse. And I can’t begin to image the pain and suffering he experienced.
The veterinarian that conducted the necropsy said “In my professional opinion, this patient suffered tremendously from chronic severe skin, oral, joint, and ear disease as well as neglect and starvation in life, and also “likely suffered painfully in death.”
Anyone who ignored Wolfie’s condition must have no sympathy or compassion for animals.
Based on the fact that Mayor Carr thought Wofle looked “just fine” the week before he was killed, it’s not surprising that the person who tried to report the dog’s condition to animal control was told by a city official that “dogs are considered property and we don’t tell people what they can do with the property.”
I guess he isn’t familiar with Washington’s animal cruelty laws. Or doesn’t care about them.
It’s also not surprising that no one in Bucoda tried to help this dog. Apparently they reflect the opinion of the Mayor and his administration have for abused animals.
First Degree Animal Cruelty
I learned yesterday that the County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office sent Wolfie’s case back to Joint Animal Services for “more investigation.” It got the case last week from JAS with a recommendation to charge Wolfie’s owner and the person who shot the dog with first degree animal cruelty.
The request should be just a formality. I can’t imagine a scenario where officials wouldn’t hold Wolfie’s abusers accountable for their actions.
Please sign and share this petition to County Prosecuting Attorney Jon Tunheim urging his office to file first degree animal abuse charges against them.
Here are some of the pictures from Wolfie’s necropsy. They will break your heart.
Now tell me, does Wolfie look “fine” to you?
Arlene says
This is so excruciating, I don’t know where to begin! I want [just as everyone else does] to go after the monsters that did this!!! Will they be charged with animal cruelty? I know I won’t be able to rest until they are! What can we do to help? I have signed so many petitions already,but it seems they haven’t done much! Thanks for any info and input that anyone can give!
Dave Robinson says
I’m from the UK – and although we obviously have our share of companion animal abuse – this neglect and cruelty beggars belief. Shame on the perpetrators, but also on the Mayor and citizens of Bucoda for ignoring this poor dog’s plight for so long.
SDogSpot Author says
They still haven’t filed criminal charges against the people who abused Wolfie.
Dave Robinson says
This is absolutely crazy – and I was hoping that the petition (change.org) signed by at least 20,000 people would have had some effect by now.
Thank you for putting this item on the web. It has to be said – this kind of neglect is so out of place in a civilized society…
Kris Lindsay says
I am outraged that nothing has been done. What good is a law if they won’t enforce it?
RPregulman says
They still can do something. Hopefully they will soon.
Karen Kmiecik says
This is beyond cruel I am going to have a hard time getting those images out of my head. After seeing those images I held and told both my rescues how much I loved them. I pray they will do the right thing by charging these ignorant people. I hope God can forgive them because I know I cannot.
SDogSpot Author says
They are going to charge them. Whether or not they convict them is another matter.
Nanette Valencia says
This is heartbreaking. Poor dog had no one looking out for him, what disgusting people
Kim Dettmann says
To Whom It May Concern:
I hope and pray justice is served with the Wolfie case. Just knowing Wolfie suffered and had to endure this horrible treatment is very hard to stomach. How is it that nobody cared enough to help Wolfie? I honestly can’t wrap my head around it. There needs to be better laws to protect all animals that are neglected and abused. A pet is not a “thing” with no feelings. If you own an animal its your responsibility to take care of your animal and by God if you don’t you MUST pay the price. These voiceless animals do not deserve this treatment by humans and I’m going to fight for them. All I ask is please do what’s right and hold Wolfie’s owners accountable.
Thank you,
SDogSpot Author says
I don’t understand either. It’s baffling how he could stumble around town for years and no one did anything. The woman who reported him didn’t even live there.
jayne king says
Is the mayor blind. How could this poor poor creature be allowed to walk round in that condition shame on the town for turning a blind eye. Disgusted
SDogSpot Author says
Nope, he just has a twisted idea of what constitutes animal cruelty.