Three years ago, a Beaverton, OR man had to rehome his 8-year-old St. Bernard named Astra because she nipped at young children. After he posted about Astra on Craig’s List, Trisha Porter from the fake dog rescue Rising Phoenix Mastiff Rescue in Yakima responded that she would take Astra and find her a home.

Astra’s owner had to rehome her because she periodically nipped at small children. Photo credit withheld.
Her owner decided to give her to Rising Phoenix. About two weeks later, Trisha Porter texted him that Astra was dead.
If you haven’t heard of Rising Phoenix Mastiff Rescue, it is, in my opinion, the worst dog rescue group in Washington. I first learned about this fake dog rescue about a year ago after seeing dozens of complaints from people who adopted or attempted to adopt dogs from it.
One potential adopter said after he petted the dog he wanted to adopt from Porter his hands were “black as tar said they smelled like death.” He also said the dog had broken teeth, infected eyes, ear mites, and infected paws. Another said their dog had “the stench of sickness that came off her I will never forget.”
The truth is, Porter doesn’t give a damn about saving dogs. To her, Rising Phoenix is a money making operation. So she just finds dogs wherever she can and adopts them out as quickly and cheaply as possible.
Here’s are excerpts of Porter’s response to the post Astra’s owner put on Craig’s List. The bolded text explains why each of them is a lie.
Lie #1
“We are a non profit no kill rescue and we keep all of our dogs in foster homes so that they do not have to sit in kennels and cages all day. We do not believe in keeping these big guys in tiny cages.”
Multiple witnesses have told me that Porter keeps the dogs in crates virtually 24/7.
Lie #2
“We work with a number of trainers and vets in the area to make sure that the dogs get the best care possible while they are here. We are able to work on any behavior issues and take care of medical issues as well so that the dogs that we take into our care can be ready for the homes that are looking for them.”
Numerous people have said Rising Phoenix’s dogs are in terrible physical condition when they adopted them. After a year of investigating this rescue, I’ve found no evidence trainers have worked with any of its dogs.

Tricia Porter is a scam artist that tells multiple lies to get her hands on virtually any dog she can find, including Astra. Photo credit withheld.
Lie #3
“We are able to find amazing homes and be much more selective then the average owner since we have a intense screening process and contracts that keep the dogs in great homes.”
Porter does virtually no screening of potential adopters; she’s more interested in taking their money than screening them.
Lie #4
“We are also able to offer follow up advice on the dogs if there are any issues that do come up once the dog is adopted.”
She usually just berates the adopter for not knowing what to do with the dog.
Lie #5
“We are also able to keep the prior owner updated on the dogs if they ask to be informed.”
They provide virtually no information to prior owners about their dogs. The information they do provide is often not true.
Unfortunately, Astra’s owner didn’t know that Rising Phoenix Mastiff Rescue is a fake dog rescue with a terrible reputation or its horrific treatment of its dogs.
Astra’s owner began to realize he should not have given her to Rising Phoenix when he saw her picture Petfinder. It showed Astra in an enclosure with Mastiffs even though he told Porter that Astra would fight with other dogs.
He told me, “After the posting I saw on PetFinder, I saw her with other large dogs….Basically I’m sure Astra was fighting with her other Mastiffs.”
A few days later he noticed Astra wasn’t on Petfinder. He then texted Porter to see if someone adopted Astra. He also offered to help her new family get settled with her.
But no one adopted Astra. Porter told him that Astra was no longer available for adoption she had eye cancer.
Her owner told me didn’t believe it. Astra had great eyesight and “no signs of eye problems” when he left her with Porter.
He asked to see Astra, but Porter said that because of her declining health, she moved the dog into a foster home where “she could enjoy her last days.”
He told me he “pleaded” with Porter to allow him to take Astra back. Porter told him he couldn’t because “the foster family has grown so attached to her and feels that if I came it would stress her out.”
One day later, Porter sent a text saying that Astra died.
I believe Porter lied about Astra’s eye cancer because:

Astra’s owner is still haunted by Astra’s death. “I sent her to be murdered by a terrible person…”. Photo credit withheld.
- “Most canine eye tumors or ocular tumors are benign which means they are not cancerous or dangerous to the health of your dog. “
- To diagnose eye cancer, a vet takes a small sample of the tumor and sends it to a lab for analysis. I can’t believe Porter took Astra to a vet because so many of the dogs she adopts out have serious health problems.
- A dog cannot develop an eye tumor, have a sample of taken and sent to a lab for confirmation, and then suddenly die within 2 weeks. Furthermore, most eye cancers that haven’t metastasized can be treated successfully.
When her owner first contacted Porter, he told her he was “very sad, because she is my friend, and it will be very hard for her to be away from us and me. We do not want her to leave, but we cannot take a chance on her when she decides to bite again. I know she would do well with an older couple that would treat her like one of their own kids. She has so much love to give.”
But to Porter, Astra was just a piece of merchandise she could sell to make a buck. That’s all the people who run a fake dog rescue care about.
And the dogs aren’t the only ones that suffer. Three years after giving Astra to Porter, her owner is still guilt-ridden over what happened to his beloved dog.
In his initial email to me, he said, “I sent her to be murdered by a terrible person…”
The Washington Legislature must change the law that exempts private rescue groups and shelters from providing specific minimum standards of care for their dogs (RCW 16.52.310(4)(b)). It should also give local law enforcement officers more leeway to enforce those standards. Until then, scam artists like Tricia Porter will continue run fake dog rescues that generate tens of thousands of dollars at the expense of the dogs they purportedly save.
I am so sorry there are people like this. And I agree that something must be done to make them more accountable for their actions. How much was she charging for the dogs?
I don’t know but I believe she’s charged 300-400 dollars in the past.
I adopted a German Shepard from her about 10 years ago for $200. This is before I was made aware of what she does – basically dog flipping. When I got him, he was 20 lbs under weight, his coat looked terrible, and his face was swollen from a spider bite. She said that they had only had him for a few weeks. He was about 7 years old at the time. When I took him to the vet to be checked, he had resently been neutered and had been sewn up with WIRE thread – makes me wonder if she didn’t do it herself. His post on Petfinder said that he was just looking for a place to lay around in his golden years. In hindsight, she didn’t have a clue about my Jeff’s personality. I am so thankful that I RESCUED him from her.
Thank you for rescuing him and giving him a home. You saved his life.
I paid over 400
She charged me $450 for a supposedly healthy 18 month old Saint Bernard. He was a SB. He wasn’t 18 months old or healthy.
We need to have legislation that prescribes specific parameters private rescues and shelters must meet (now that have none) and make it easier for law enforcement to respond to complaints.
I don’t know but she usually doesn’t allow people on her property.
There are many good rescues. That said, ALL rescues need to start being held accountable. There are far too many that only care about the $$ and too many donors who just keep donating to these faux rescues.
Absolutely. People think it’s an easy way to make a quick buck, and because the laws in WA are so weak, it usually is.
And get out of paying the taxes on their place! That can save them thousands of dollars every year!
This rescue and woman needs to be shut down!!!! I had a similar experience two years ago. We released a rescue dog to her and after claiming he got “aggressive” she refused to release him back to us. She’s pathetic and a dog killer. I’m sorry for the owner in this story. I know how heartbreaking it is.
Please do not give any dog or cat to a rescue group that is not a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Did this gentleman sign a surrender form? I would suggest filing a complaint with the local Humane Society’s , drop flyers off at vets offices.
Post a Complaint on Petfinders or craigslist any place else that she offers animals for adoption so she gets flagged and removed.
Even 501c3 rescues can be shady. Just because it’s an official nonprofit doesn’t mean they do right by the animals.
She has a couple of aliases doesn’t she? She is pretty bold, seems we could do Something to shut her down!!! She’s been at this for far too long
Yes. Latrcia Porter, Trisha Porter, Latrisha Prater, Trisha Prater are a few I’ve heard.
Even if you go there its all fake. Looks good to eyes view. I made same mistake and gave her a Great Dane. She had a exscuse why I could not see him or meet new owners everytime.
It breaks my heart to hear her name again and to hear of this tragedy, I’m am truly sorry another amazing dog had to die at her hands , I personally have made many complaints against her with in the past 8 months yet her story continues I can’t understand why she is still not behind bars for gross neglect and abuse .
What were your complaints about?
How is this person still operating?
People keep working with her.
I got told this wonderful story of adoption for my Malinois. She never followed through on what she said would happen and when I figured out she was a fraud I found her place and she has it locked up tight! I too begged to get my dog back and even offered to pay her. She refused and said she had adopted her out after only 24 hours! She is a terrible human being and only cares about what she can gain!
Is this the malinois that was sent up north somewhere and map rescue was trying to get it ?
Probably really wants the property tax free statist too. I have heard of people who are close to losing their home and property start up a nonprofit just to get out of paying the taxes on their place. There really is no oversight of nonprofits. Maybe they do check a place out if there are enough complaints. I would think it would come down to a few things to stop the nonprofit but I believe it would be the record keeping, especially the financial records, that hangs them out to dry!
She should have to provide documented proof of a Veterinarian diagnosing the eye cancer.
I’m sure there isn’t any. Virtually everything she says is a lie.
She likes the big dogs. While helping another legit rescue she tried to get me to surrender a Great Dane to her and was pretty aggressive about it. Fortunately I knew of her and that Great Dane is living the rest of his life with me. Couldn’t help but adopt him myself
Good, thanks for adopting it!
Yes blame the victim… That’s right it’s all his fault, she holds no responsibility…
Not trying to take sides. Do you have written documentation on these supposed allegations? I for one would like to see them. If not aren’t you opening yourself up for a lawsuit?
I do not know this rescue or the person you are talking about. If she was sooo bad why haven’t there been lawsuits, investigations, fines etc.
We are stewards of all animals. It is our job/duty to take care of them as we do ourselves or our children. They are not just cast offs the first time something happens or it’s not convenient to keep them.
Anyone who mistreats an animal is deplorable. The lowest of the low.
I’d put a dog down before turning it over to most “rescues”. These kinds of stories are becoming more common.
What can we do? Don’t work with a “rescue” bless you personally know the people and their premises. Too many are hellholes for dogs.