Looking for dog-related events or dog activities in the Seattle area? You’ve come to the right spot!
You won’t find a more comprehensive dog events calendar than this one. From dog adoption events to fundraisers, dog classes to support groups, and anything else we can dig up, you'll find it here, all in one place.
This is a group for people who like to get out exploring with their dogs. Hikes and walks will mainly be scheduled for the Seattle area and north.
You do not need to own or bring a dog to join us, you just need to be willing and comfortable hiking with dogs.
I am not an experienced guide, but have done a number of hikes and am wanting to find others that are passionate about getting out as well.
Disclaimer: We are not professional guides and do not have certified training or insurance. Be aware, inherent hazards and risks are associated with walking, hiking and all other physical activity. We can not guarantee the condition of the trail, the length of the trail, or that the trail will be appropriate for a certain fitness level.You may join us on our hikes and/or walks at your own risk. Keep in mind that hiking and walking involves risks and weather changes quickly in the mountains. You are responsible for your own safety and health. The more prepared you are, the better the chance you will remain safe. Your preparedness not only affects your safety but the safety and enjoyment of the whole group.
I am not in charge of this hike/walk, I’m merely going on a hike/walk myself and inviting others to join me.
Please read the “Terms of Membership” agreement before joining:
I am open to suggestions about where to go and what to do.
Dogs make wonderful trail companions and it is a hobby you can do anywhere, at anytime of the year.
For dog owners it is important to realize that not all parks are open to our four-legged friends. it is sometimes hard for dog owners to believe but not everyone loves dogs. We are, in fact, in the minority when compared with our non-dog-owning neighbors. As such, rules can change rapidly to ban dogs from even more of our public parks. It doesn’t take a referendum or a ballot count for “NO DOGS” signs to appear overnight.
So make sure your dog is a good citizen on the trail – don’t bother other hikers and pick up after him – and you will be embarking on a passion that will last a lifetime.
Get fit – grab a leash and hit the trail!
If you have an event you’d like us to post, a suggestion on how we can make our calendar better, or any other question, please email us at info(at)seattledogspot.com. You can also complete our online event submission form. We look forward to hearing from you!
Seattle DogSpot