Looking for dog-related events or dog activities in the Seattle area? You’ve come to the right spot!
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This one is a little farther out, but not too long of a hike.
I did it in 2017 just after it opened and i think it is time to revisit it.
Heybrook Ridge is a park site located just outside the Town of Index. The 3.3 mile roundtrip trail was created in partnership between Snohomish Country Parks and Friends of Heybrook Ridge, and laid out and built by WTA volunteers, this short, moderately steep hike (Gain: 775 ft.
Highest Point: 1327 ft.) will take you through a rocky, moss covered forest to an incredible view of nearby peaks.
Please wear a mask if you haven’t been fully vaccinated for covid.
Dogs must be leashed and be prepared to scoop and carry their poop out.
Bring plenty of water because i don’t think there is any water access along this trail.
Appropriate hiking footwear required, hiking poles suggested.
bring a snack or lunch to enjoy at the top.
Please plan on staying with the group for the entire hike.
Getting There:
From Seattle, drive north on I-5 to Everett and take exit 194 to head east on US Highway 2. Take US-2 through Monroe and Sultan. From the traffic roundabout in Sultan, it is 10.8 miles to the bridge over the South Fork Skykomish River. At this point, be on the lookout for Index-Galena Road, which is a left turn from US-2 just 0.4 miles beyond the bridge. Follow Index-Galena Road 0.9 miles to Heybrook Ridge County Park, on your right. There is parking for 14-16 vehicles.
There is no privy. (so plan accordingly)
Parking Pass/Entry Fee None
If you have an event you’d like us to post, a suggestion on how we can make our calendar better, or any other question, please email us at info(at)seattledogspot.com. You can also complete our online event submission form. We look forward to hearing from you!
Seattle DogSpot