Looking for dog-related events or dog activities in the Seattle area? You’ve come to the right spot!
You won’t find a more comprehensive dog events calendar than this one. From dog adoption events to fundraisers, dog classes to support groups, and anything else we can dig up, you'll find it here, all in one place.
New Meeting location at Greenlake, see map!! It is the grassy area by the East Boat house!
Come one, come all who wish to strut in their best costumes!
Date; Sunday, October 17th 2021 at 10:30
10:30- Gather and catch up with new and old corgi friends!
10:45- Attempt a group picture!
10:50 ish- Walking time. We will walk counter clockwise around the lake. If you show up late walk clockwise and meet up with us!
Dressing up in costumes is not required, just encouraged!
Also be mindful of other bikers, walkers, and dog walkers, as this was a one way path due to covid, and still may be.
We are outside, but should follow any mask guidelines or choose to if you are planning on being close with others.
Parking is always tricky, so get there early! Can’t wait to see you all!
If you have an event you’d like us to post, a suggestion on how we can make our calendar better, or any other question, please email us at info(at)seattledogspot.com. You can also complete our online event submission form. We look forward to hearing from you!
Seattle DogSpot