The Humane Society of the United States announced today that it is offering a reward of up to $5,000 for information leading to the identification, arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the abandonment of a Seattle dog found in a severe state of emaciation in last week.
A construction worker found the dog in the 1100 block of 14th Avenue South last.
He found it in a section of an apartment complex no one had been “a couple of weeks.”
The starved dog slept outside in temperatures below freezing.
“Leaving any animal without food, water or shelter is an egregious act of animal cruelty and it is a crime,” said Ann Graves, manager of field services at Seattle Animal Shelter.
The Seattle Animal Shelter is conducting an investigation into case.
If you recognize the dog or know who abandoned it, please call Graves at 206-386-4288 and reference case #14-23782. Any information about this dog is vital to solving this case.
First degree animal cruelty is a Class C felony punishable by five years in prison, a $10,000 fine or both.
The Seattle Animal Shelter enforces both SMC 9.25.081 and RCW 16.52.205, which make it illegal to abuse or neglect an animal. If you think that an animal is being neglected or abused, please contact the Seattle Animal Shelter at 206-386-7387.
Let’s find this monster.
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