Another Sketchy Person Connected to Shepard’s Way Animal Rescue

Schuyler Barbeau lives in a trailer at Shepherd’s Way Animal Rescue and is a suspected domestic terrorist by the FBI. Image from KING 5.
Last week the Seattle Times and several other media outlets reported that on Sunday, December 6th, the FBI agents “responsible for investigating domestic terrorism have arrested a Washington man they claim to be affiliated with the right-wing “patriot” movement for possessing an assault-style rifle with an illegal short barrel.”
Allen Aenk, the co-founder of Shepherd’s Way Animal Rescue in Springdale, WA, was in the car with Schuyler.
They were on their way back to Shepherd’s Way with a dog for the rescue when the FBI arrested Barbeau.
Barbeau lived in a trailer on the property where Allen Aenk and his wife Carrie lived and ran Shepherd’s Way. A Facebook post from one of his supporters said that he provided “protection and assistance” for the Aenks.
At the time of his arrest several FBI agents also raided the Aenk’s property to search for explosive. No information indicated they found any.
Informant Prompted Investigation
The Southern Poverty Law Center, a nonprofit group that monitors the activities of domestic hate groups and other extremists, said that the investigation of Barbeau began in early June when an informant told the FBI that Barbeau was making frequent statements that the “federal government was not abiding by the principles set forth in the Constitution and that many public servants, such as judges and police officers who had sworn to uphold it, had deviated from their oath of office.”

The FBI arrested Barbeau as he traveled with Allen Aenk to pick up a dog for Shepherd’s Watch Animal Rescue. That’s him on the left. Image from
According to court documents, Barbeau claimed it “was his duty to educate public servants who were not living up to their oath and discussed ‘lynching’ those he deemed unworthy if necessary.”
Just before the FBI arrested him Schuyler tried to intimidate a critic by posting her name and address online.
Shepherd’s Way Checkered Past
Schuyler’s arrest and his connection to the Aenk’s and Shepherd’s Way Animal Rescue raise more red flags regarding how the Aenk’s and how they run their rescue. For example:
- The government Carrie Aenk was convicted of bank fraud in 1998.
On Facebook, Barbeau threatens to kill anyone threatens to kill “government terrorists” that come “to terrorize me or the Aenks. Image from Facebook.
- In February of 2014 Grant County charge Carrie Aenk with stealing $8300 of hay for horses she claimed belonged to Shepherd’s Way.
- Last summer during the Eastern Washington fires the Aenk’s claimed that “the official command center for volunteer fire fighters” was on their property, but the Stevens County Fire Chief said “There was never a tent city nor was there ever an “official” command post at this location (very rarely will a post be set up on private property.” A fundraising appeal on YouCaring for the Aenk’s work on this supposed tent city was taken down after people raised questions about it.
- This fall the Aenk’s made a fundraising appeal to raise money to rescue Max, a German Shepherd in New Jersey. Max disappeared the day after Carrie Aenk picked him up, and the Aenk’s refuse to say what happened to him. Many people, including me, believe Carrie Aenk had Max put down.
In my opinion, these incidents should raise the public’s concern regarding how the Aenk’s run Shepherd’s Way. It’s the only rescue I’ve ever heard of that needed security from a suspected domestic terrorist the FBI arrested.
I’ll be writing more about sketchy activities at Shepherd’s Watch in the next few days.
I appreciate the work you do to shed light on these suspect rescues.
Thank you. I wish there weren’t so many. I still have a long list of them to check out.
Are there still animals that may need rescue?
We don’t know. They say they had about 15 dogs when the FBI raided them but no one has said what happened to them.
Another disturbing event with some sketchy people. Thank you for keeping up with the events with this crazy twon “rescue”. Funny how these people aways say the world’s against them. Nothing’s ever their faiult. When people were alarmed they were taking several CA dogs back to back after posting in WA groups that Carrie has Brain Cancer and they have to get rid of all their horses or Euth them. Once again thy said people were stupid and they were just shutting down the horse rescue. Wonder how many of those horses made it out of there alive to safety? Interesting a woman who’s super ill to the point they have to get rid of their horses was healthy enough to drive across country to pick up a Rescue Only dog who disappeared and They’ve given conflicting stories of what happened. How can anyone with one iota of a brain not worry about sending any animals ever to these loose cannons?
Good question. And it wasn’t a one time mistake. They kept sending dogs over and over.
Any updates on Shepherd’s Way and what became of the dogs on the property?
A thread started tonight in Washington Animal Rescue Resources (Facebook) about a dog named Pookie Bear really got my attention. Pookie Bear was abused while his owner was in the hospital, and wound up impounded over an alleged bite. The court refused to release him to his owner, but ultimately people in “rescue” convinced the court to release Pookie Bear so he could be sent to a “sanctuary.” Guess which one?
That’s right – SHEPHERD’S WAY!
I checked the original thread, where there are upwards of 400 comments. It was time consuming because the information was poorly written and presented. But I did find an image that was supposedly from a video of the FBI raid on Shepherd’s Way in December, and it showed a dog that looked a lot like Pookie Bear.
Needless to say, lots of people are worried. I understand the original owner wants him back.
Unfortunately we have no updates, and the Aenks won’t allow anyone on their property to check on the dogs. Many people are trying to figure out how to check on the dogs. There have been offers to take them but they are ignored.
I am seeking information on the dog pookie bear & what happened to him on the day & afterthe f.b.i raided shepherds way for the terrorist. I am Beverly pookiebears. Original owner from sanbernadino. Ca.
I’m sorry I don’t know. The Aenks won’t give out information to anyone and it’s too dangerous for anyone to go to their property to check.
Oh this is far from over ..there is more to this never ending crap ..I really believe Milita trash and their animal connections run it all knowingly or unknowingly .,this area is dangerous to deal with and just because the aenks dissapeared doesant mean its over .. There are 3 sides to story ..